I'm a 99' Stanford grad now earning pre-med credits at UCLA. What
types of jobs are out there where I could work from home with flexible
hours (nights and weekends, for example) and earn more than $15 per
hour? |
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Nov 2005 21:52 PST
Hi Bryan!
Can I assume that you want a job that is related to the medical field?
Furthermore, I found some part-time jobs related to your course but
can we be flexible in the compensation part like $10 to $15 per hour?
How much do you target for annual earnings?
Clarification of Question by
07 Nov 2005 22:14 PST
I actually have no specific preference about the field of work but
I'll tell you about some of the things I both enjoy and am good at.
Most recently, I managed about 50 employees, 1 manager, and a couple
of supervisors in a corporate finance department. Needless to say,
I'm not expecting similar compensation but I'd rather make at least
$15 per hour. I majored in English and enjoy reading and writing. I
usually read at least two books per week and enjoy proofreading,
editing, tutoring, and teaching. Okay, yes, I was a tour guide too but
I'm hoping not to become one again!
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Nov 2005 22:33 PST
I haven't found anything concrete at the moment. Maybe another
researcher may have a better strategy in providing an answer.
Thanks again!
Clarification of Question by
07 Nov 2005 23:24 PST
Maybe this question is easier to answer--I recognize my vagueness
didn't help! How can I learn more about jobs that someone can do from
home either during specifically scheduled hours or by fulfilling some
quota or something similar. For example, a job that allows people to
"sign on" from home to a computer system in order to provide customer
service for a retail company or whetever company may be out there.