Hello, jacob58-ga!
According to "The Facts About Smoking." University of Rochester.
"Several different factors can affect the rate of metabolism and
excretion of nicotine. Measurements of nicotine or its by-products
will vary depending on the fluid being measured (blood, urine, or
saliva). In general, a regular smoker will have nicotine or cotinine
present in the body for about three to four days."
Also see:
From "Q and A - Drugs."
"Nicotine is a very unstable drug. When a person uses tobacco (whether
in cigarettes or in skoal), the body immediately breaks nicotine down
into about 97 different metabolites, the most stable of which is
cotinine. Cotinine stays in a person's system for a period of 2 to 4
There are a number of factors that can affect these figures, including:
? the strength of the tobacco
? the quantity you used
? the frequency of your use
? your individual tolerance
? the presence of other drugs
Factors specific to you which will also affect its elimination include:
? your tolerance
? your sex and age
? your overall health & well-being
? your general metabolic state
These variables all interact to make it hard to accurately define a
time when the nicotine will be out of your system."
From "SmokeHelp."
"How long does nicotine take to completely work it's way out of the body?"
"Medically, nicotine takes only 72 to 96 hours to leave the body.
However, the physical and mental reverberations can go on for weeks.
"How long, after you quit, does nicotine stay in the bloodstream?"
"Medically the nicotine is gone in 72 to 96 hours unless you receive
it from second-hand smoke such as bars, closed rooms, etc. It will
take your body much long to get over the effects of long term nicotine
addiction but the benefits begin immediately: Carbon Monoxide levels
begin dropping, Blood pressure drops.
I hope these references help to answer your question!
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