Regarding the car accident case, the answer is not absolute, for the
Catholic Church ALL human lives has the same value, that is there is
no preferences between adults and children, so the answer in this case
is do the most to save both lives.
The short answer to the abortion question is that abortion is
absolutely banned by the Catholic Church:
"The Catholic church hierarchy today does not permit abortion in any
instance, not even in case of rape or as a direct way of saving the
life of a pregnant woman."
From "The Abortion Decision - Abortion and Catholic Thought: The
Little-Told History":
At the above document you will find info related to abortion and
Catholic thought in the history, for example:
"1930: Therapeutic Abortions Condemned
In his encyclical Casti Connubii (Of Chaste Spouses), Pope Pius XI
condemned abortion in general, and specifically in three instances: in
the case of therapeutic abortion, which he called the killing of an
innocent; in marriage to prevent offspring; and on social and eugenic
grounds, as practiced by some governments.
Pius's stance on abortion remains the hierarchical view today. The
encyclical Casti Connubii did not purport to be infallible teaching,
but as an address by the pope to the bishops, it carries great
1965: Protection from the Moment of Conception
The Second Vatican Council, in Gaudium et Spes (section 51), declared:
"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of
conception; abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes." Here,
abortion is now condemned on the basis of protecting life, not as a
concealment of sexual sin.
1974: The "Right-to-Life" Argument
In 1974, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith issued the
"Declaration on Procured Abortion," which opposes abortion on the
grounds that "one can never claim freedom of opinion as a pretext for
attacking the rights of others, most especially the right to life."
The key to this position is that the fetus is human life from the
moment of conception, if not necessarily a full human being. With this
position, the church has fully changed the terms of its argument.
Today: Abortion Ban Is Absolute."
From "The Abortion Decision - Abortion and Catholic Thought: The
Little-Told History":
Pope Pius IX wrote in the encyclical Apostolicae Sedis in 1869 that
excommunication is the required penalty for provocated abortion at any
stage of pregnancy, and the excommunication is latae sententiae, that
is automatic. Note that the excommunication is required for all the
people involved on it: the woman who aborts and for any others, such
as doctors and nurses, who take part in and/or gives support for an
But trully repented people that use sacramental Confession are
re-admitted to Holy Communion.
For more references see:
"Declaration on procured abortion" by the SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE
DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, 18 November 1974:
"Catholic Update ©1998 - Abortion: What the Church Teaches" by Helen Alvaré:
"Abortion and Personhood: Historical and Comparative Notes" by Dr. David L. Perry:
"Abortion and the Catholic Church - Resources for Catholic Educators":
"Theology Library - Abortion":
-Search strategy-
at Google.com searched using the following keywords:
abortion catholic church
"therapeutic abortion" catholic church
repented abortion confession
Hope this helps you. Feel free to request for a clarification if you
find this answer unclear or incomplete. I will gladly respond your
requests for further assistance related to this question.
livioflores-ga |