According to the AMA publication ?Physician Characteristics and
Distribution in the U.S. - 2004 Edition? there are 853,187
physicians in the United States.
Table 1.9 gives the total number of physicians by specialty and
activity (182 Specialties).
Download Table 1.9 here:
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Search criteria:
I searched for statistics at the AMA website.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Nov 2005 14:20 PST
Thank you for the information - it was very much what I was looking
for. Could you please let me know if you have anything for
Thank you,
Clarification of Answer by
17 Nov 2005 14:50 PST
Hi Ryan!
Estimate of Licensed Chiropractors 2005: 74,000
Estimate of Practicing Chiropractors 2005: 63,000
"In 2001 there were 78,664 active chiropractic licenses in the US
States. Since many chiropractors are licensed to practice in more than
one state (Florida is especially popular), licenses in different
states to the same chiropractor need to be removed. Cheryl Hawk did
this for 2001 and found there were 66,670 non redundant chiropractic
license holders. However, there is some
percentage of licensed chiropractors who do not practice. One estimate is
15%. Using this that would mean there were an estimated 57,000 practicing
DCs in the US in 2001. In 2002, there were 84,836 licenses. Using the same
percentage of redundant licenses leads to an estimated 72,000 non-redundant
licensed chiropractors. We then removed 15% as an estimate of nonpracticing
chiropractors which leaves 61,000 as actively practicing chiropractors
in 2002. Another estimate is provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS). The BLS, based on a national sample survey,
estimated that there were
49,000 active chiropractors in 2002. Most experts interviewed thought this
number was too low."
See page 25 of publication titled "The Future of Chiropractic
Revisited: 2005 to 2015."
Download here:
"More than 60,000 chiropractors are practicing in the United States
today, and 10,000 students are studying to become doctors of
chiropractic medicine, or DCs."
News Target : June 2005
"Today in America there are over 65,000 practising Chiropractors
treating 20-25 million patients. One in 10 Americans sees a
Chiropractor at least once a year."
"There are some 70,000 practicing chiropractors, legally called
doctors, with 4,000 new graduates every year.
Yale Medicine
From MSN Encarta:
"There are about 80,000 licensed chiropractors in the United States."
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Nov 2005 15:32 PST
The information is great - I appreciate it very much. Let me know if
you can get data regarding the number of physicians nationwide
belonging to "Medical Groups", i.e. Physician Hospital Organizations
(PHOs), Medical Service Organizations (MSOs), Independent Practice
Associations (IPAs), and Physician Practice Management Companies
(PPMCs). I have got some data from the MCIC (Managed Care Information
Center), but unfortunately it's weak. If you can get these totals, I
will post another question at a better rate - Thanks again!
Clarification of Answer by
17 Nov 2005 16:02 PST
IŽll look into your additional questions tomorrow because I'm a bit
busy right now. If I locate anything, I'll let you know.
I would suggest that you post separate questions for each medical
group and perhaps other researchers will be able locate the figures
you need.
Clarification of Answer by
18 Nov 2005 05:32 PST
Good morning Ryan,
Is this the sort of information you require?
American Counseling Association
56,000 members - www.counseling.org
American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
10,000 members - http://www.aspan.org
National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
7,000 members - http://www.orthonurse.org
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
4,000 members - http://www.acaai.org
American Medical Technologists
25,000 members - http://www.amt1.com/
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
65,000 members - http://www.aanp.org
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
2,800 members - http://www.aacvpr.org
American College of Cardiology
24,000 members - http://www.acc.org
American College of Chest Physicians
15,000 members - http://www.chestnet.org
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
6,000 members - http://www.acoem.org
American College of Physician Executives
14,000 members - http://www.acpe.org
American Dietetic Association
70,000 members - http://www.eatright.org
American Gastroenterological Association
11,000 members - http://www.GICareerSearch.com
American Psychiatric Association
40,000 members - http://www.psych.org
American Psychiatric Nurses Association
4,000 members - http://www.apna.org
American Society for Microbiology
42,000 members - http://www.asmusa.org
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
105,000 members - http://www.asrt.org
American Society of General Surgeons
3,500 members - http://www.theasgs.org
American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
6,000 members - http://www.aaoms.org
American Academy of Physician Assistants
34,000 members - http://www.aapa.org
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
12,000 members - http://www.himss.org
Medical Group Management Association
20,000 members - http://www.mgma.com
American College of Preventive Medicine
2,000 members - http://www.acpm.org
Clarification of Answer by
18 Nov 2005 11:10 PST
Society of Women in Urology
The SWIU has over 300 members, including most of the nearly 200
board-certified female urologists as well as female urology residents,
fellows, post-residency, pre-board-certified women.
Clarification of Answer by
18 Nov 2005 11:34 PST
Would any of the resources below meet your needs?
The National Directory of Physician Organizations,
2nd Edition
Price $35
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Nov 2005 12:19 PST
The first link is from the MCIC (I mentioned them above) and the data
was weak. However, the second link may be right on. I just gave them
a call and left a vm - if it is what I am looking for I will let you
know asap. Thanks again!
Clarification of Answer by
18 Nov 2005 12:26 PST
Thanks for the update.
I will be looking forward to your next clarification.
Clarification of Answer by
22 Nov 2005 04:20 PST
Hi Ryan!
Any news about the second link I provided?
Regards, Bobbie7