Hello Buffa2,
According to Box Office Mojo, Americans spent $9,418,300,000 on movie
tickets in the year 2004
Box Office Mojo
According to official MPAA and NATO, 1.536 billion movie tickets were
sold in the United States in 2004.
?In 2004, the average American went to the movies 5.2 times.?
?The average ticket price in the United States for 2004 was $6.21?
InFocusMag: April 2005
Americans spent $9.4 billion on movie tickets last year.
?Online movie ticket sales, however, make up only a small part of
box-office receipts, which totaled a record $9.4 billion last year.?
Market Place News: February 2005
Additional movie ticket statistics can be found at Wayne Schmidt's Box
Office Data page at the link below.
Data on annual U.S. box office grosses, average theater ticket prices,
number of theater screens, U.S. population, per capita ticket
purchases, and number of drive-in theaters from 1929 to 2005.
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Search terms used:
Americans spending OR spent OR spend billion movie tickets
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |