As of December 31, 1987, the address you cite:
1410 26th St. NW, #2, Washington, DC 20007
belonged to Jeff Goldberg, a researcher for
Tom Mangold, who was writing a biography of
James J. Angleton for Simon & Schuster, as
indicated a page from
"a skeptical site that looks at the facts
about frauds, fakes, fools, and flim-flam.
This site addresses the harm inflicted upon
credophiles. That is, this site addresses the
financial, emotional, and intellectual injury
caused by the lucrative business of fraud and
deceit. And that business is booming. There
is no shortage of fools who pay dearly for the
dubious privilege of being taken advantage of."
The page in question is from Holysmoke's
"Wierd Base" archive, which seems to refer
to a website by that name which no longer
exists (nor could I find it on the "Wayback
Machine" website: ):
The page is entitled "Looking ahead to the
25th anniversary:" and is Volume 9, #3 of
the "Echoes of Conspiracy" journal. This
particular issue is examining the theories
surrounding Kennedy's assassination in
preparation for the 25th anniversary of that
The page is at this URL:
and states:
"Tom Mangold, who is writing a biography of
Angleton for Simon & Schuster, would appreciate
hearing from anyone with documents or other
information about his intelligence career,
definitely including Nosenko and other matters
relating to the JFK assassination. His
researcher, Jeff Goldberg, is an expert on the
JFK case, formerly with the AIB. If you are
privy to unfamiliar details or have ideas to
share, write Goldberg at 1410 26th St. NW, #2,
Washington, DC 20007."
Using the 'find' feature on your browser,
you can also locate Angleton's full name
earlier on the page, as James J. Angleton,
in a "list of key areas where I have some
information or ideas which are not widely
shared. It includes the following topics:
* The legendary James J. Angleton and his
friends; Michael Eddowes..."
The fact that this address is associated
with a male researcher of assassination-
related materials, 22 years after the
event, would seem to rule out the likelihood
that the same address was used by a woman
whom JFK visited when he was alive.
Then again, I suppose anything's possible.
I believe, however, that your label of the
information as a "rumour" is correct.
There are certainly no links to substantiate
the truth of it.
The most renowned girlfriend of JFK was
Mary Pinchot Meyer. Here is a page titled:
"Excerpt from The High and the Mighty:
JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA by G. J. Krupey"
which explores JFK's involvement with Mary
as having to do with LSD and the CIAs plan, to
"use LSD as an aid in the interrogation of
captured enemy agents, as well as a sort of
prophylactic for training American agents in
resisting interrogation in the event of capture.
Another usage of the drug planned by the Agency
was as a clandestine confusion agent, to be
slipped into food, drink, or whatever to foreign
leaders and politicians of a leftist slant in
order to reduce them to quivering, hallucinating
blobs of flesh, gibbering deranged nonsense in
public speeches, embarrassing and disgracing
themselves before the public and in the eyes
of the world."
Simply amazing what a little searching
will unearth. However, a search for
Mary Pinchot Meyer did not produce
any addresses, much less the one in
your question.
Searches, via Google:
"1410 26th St" JFK
JFK girlfriend "Washington, D.C."
"Mary Pinchot Meyer" address
If this satisfies your interest, I'm
pleased to have been of assistance.
If I can assist you further with this
question, please post a request for
clarification of the answer, before
rating it.
sublime1-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Aug 2002 14:21 PDT
sublimel //
Well, the address that I cite is currently owned by myself, and I'm
asking the question. So I'm afraid that I can't quite agree with the
reasoning that a change in ownership obviates any possible connection,
especially with a time difference of almost 30 years. This apartment
was built in the 20s, after all .... Here's the story, as clarified
by the source of the rumour: the girlfriend's name was Sherri North
(or Cheryl, or Cheri, or something of that kind.) The apartment was
given by Ziegfield (of the Follies) to an ex-performer, who in tern
lent it to actresses and other itinerant performers playing the
Washington venues. I have been told that the story is "documented,"
but my searching didn't turn up anything. Can you dig a little
further? I'm afraid that I don't find the assassination researcher
connection relevant. Incidentally, I had heard that the CIA
experiments with LSD were more in the way of debriefing defectors - as
a kind of "truth serum." Like many agencies, though, it could be hard
for us to know.
// bfk
Clarification of Answer by
28 Aug 2002 17:01 PDT
Thanks for filling me in on the details of
this enticing story. It made researching it
a fascinating adventure.
I did locate another reported girlfriend
of JFK: Inga Marie Arvad, cited here:
And another, named Judith Campbell Exner,
formerly Judith E. Campbell here:
"whose account of Kennedy's involvement in
the CIA's plot to murder Fidel Castro provides
powerful evidence of a CIA motive to assassinate
the president in wake of his withdrawal from the
plot and his attempt to block the CIA's continued
campaign to overthrow the Cuban government."
More on Judith here:
This page noted a connection between JFK and
Ellen Rowetch, which turned out to be misspelled:
Google promptly offered me the correct spelling
returning 23 hits on Ellen Rometch here:
which led to this page:
which notes, in regard to JFK:
"His womanizing to a pathological extreme was
a sign of this. He had numerous affairs in
office with many women. The list included
Marilyn Monroe, Judith Exner, Ellen Rometsch,
a beautiful young refugee from East Germany,
and Mary Pinchet Meyer, ex-wife of a prominent
Washington, DC, figure, Cord Meyer, a CIA
officer and Allen Dulles protégé, and an
icon of stage and screen, Marlene Dietrich."
Still no mention of a Ms. North...
And extensive searches on all the additional
clues you provided in the rumour, such as
"Ziegfeld", "gave the apartment", "owned
the apartment" (implied), Sherri's name(s),
returned no hits when I searched:
Searches done, via Google:
"Sheri North" + JFK
"Sheri North" + "John Kennedy"
"Sherri North" + "John Kennedy"
"Sherri North" + JFK
"Cheryl North" + JFK
"Cheryl North" + "John Kennedy"
"Cheri North" + "John Kennedy"
"Cheri North" + JFK
JFK girlfriend "named north"
"JFK girlfriend"
"Ellen Rometsch" + JFK
JFK "Florenz Ziegfeld"
"Florenz Ziegfeld" apartment JFK
"Florenz Ziegfeld" "gave his apartment"
"Florenz Ziegfeld" "gave * apartment"
"Flo Ziegfeld" "gave * apartment"
"Flo Ziegfeld" "lent * apartment"
Ziegfeld "lent * apartment"
Ziegfeld "gave * apartment"
"Ziegfeld lived" apartment "Washington, D.C."
"Ziegfeld owned" apartment "Washington, D.C."
"Ziegfeld owned" apartment Washington
Ziegfeld "apartment * given" Washington
Ziegfeld North apartment Washington JFK
Ziegfeld North apartment Washington JFK -movie -film -cinema -video
Ziegfeld North apartment Washington JFK
(on Google News beta):
If the story is documented, it apparently
wasn't deemed credible enough to be included
in online resources.
I'm sorry I was unable to substantiate such
a romantic story attached to your apartment,
but I believe I've established that it just
isn't documented online, though you could
still enjoy believing that it's "out there
If you believe I've left an online stone
unturned, and that I can assist you further,
please request another clarification of the
answer before rating my efforts.