Thanks for getting back to me.
I think you'll find there are two terrific tools available for seeking
out information about your relatives. One is available directly
online, while the other is available at many public libraries.
I trust the information below fully answers your question.
However, please don't rate this answer until you have everything you
need. If you would like any additional information, just post a
Request for Clarification to let me know how I can assist you further,
and I'm at your service.
The first place to look is Intellius:
Start your search by entering the information you have in the appropriate boxes:
First Name
Last Name
After clicking on 'Search', you should get a results page with all
people in the Intellius databases matching your input.
The results generally (but not always) will include ages of the people
found, so that if you know someone's birthyear was 1961, then a 'hit'
of someone in their mid-forties is certainly a more promising result
than someone who is 82...or 25, for that matter.
If the first run through doesn't provide any promising hits, then try
the search again, but drop the middle initial.
If still no promising hits, then begin scaling back the first name.
There are several ways to do this. For instance, each of the
following searches will get you different results:
[ ste reynolds ]
returns all first names beginning with 'Ste' including variations of
Stephen, such as Steve or Steven (as well as Stephanie, but that can't
be helped).
[ s reynolds ]
returns all first names beginning with 'S', as well as listings with
just first initial, 'S'.
[ s g reynolds ]
returns all first names beginning with 'S' that also have a middle
initial 'G'...this is useful if the [ s reynolds ] search simiply
produces too many results.
You can see there are several variations on a theme, and they're all
worth trying.
At the top of the search results page, you'll notice that Intellius
give you options for purchasing additional information on any or all
of the names:
Buy all ## People Search Records Below for $7.95
Buy all ## People Search Records + Unlimited People Search Pass for 24
hours for $19.95.
You may want to consider taking advantage of their search pass offer,
if you think you'll be making frequent use of the site. The
additional information includes the name, address and phone number
information that is obviously of most interest to you. They will also
offer more in-depth background reports for an additional fee.
Near the top of the page, they also offer a "Search By Phone" option,
where you can input a known phone number, to see if it's in the
Intellius database, and if it is, you can purchase the listing from
them (I wasn't sure from your remarks, earlier, whether you had a need
for such a reverse search, but I just wanted to make known its
HOWEVER, this sort of reverse telephone look-up can also be done at no
charge at many sites, so make sure to give the cost-free option a try
first. One of the best is Superpages:
and as long as you're here, you may also want to check on the names
you're looking for as well:
You just might have some luck.
The other comprehensive people-searching resource that I wanted to let
you know about is called Reference USA:
The strategy for searching ReferenceUSA is similar to what I described above.
However, this is a subscription service with limited availability, but
it can be accessed through many public libraries (often, without even
leaving home, as the libraries make the service available to their
patrons online).
Ask at your local library about the availability of ReferenceUSA.
Or if you prefer, let me know what city/state you live in, and I can
check the library system for you, and let you know what's available.
Again, I hope this is everything you need. But if there's anything
more I can do for you, just holler.
All the best,
search strategy -- Used bookmarked sites for people searches. |