I'm writing a paper and looking for these dissertations to use for
references... i'm having no luck finding them online (to order and buy
even if necessary).... any help
appreciated. thanks ? april
Title: Relationship between childhood sexual abuse in women,
internalized shame, and attachments to peers, mother and father.
Author: Wolfgang, Lizbeth Erna, New Mexico State Univ.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The
Sciences and Engineering, Vol 59(8-B), Feb 1999, pp. 4494.
Title: The severity of childhood sexual abuse and its relationship to
the severity of chemical dependency in adults.
Author: Mallow, Alissa J., Adelphia U, School of Social Work
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities
and Social Sciences, Vol 61 (4-A), Oct 2000, pp. 1613.
Title: Self-mutilating survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A treatment program
Author: Newman, Shana Jemeela, Miami Inst of Psychology of the Caribbean Ctr
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The
Sciences and Engineering, Vol 59(2-B), Aug 1998, pp. 0861 |