In patients whose prostate cancer metastasizes, it is estimated that
approximately 40% to 50% of the metastases are to the lung.
Unfortunately, detection is difficult, and only 1% to 5% of these
pulmonary metastases are discovered during life.
I have gathered some references for you. Do keep in mind that Google
Answers does not provide authoritative medical opinions or advice; the
material below is for informational purposes, and should not be viewed
as a diagnosis, nor as a substitute for the services of a qualified
medical professional.
"Pulmonary metastasis secondary to prostate cancer(PMPCa) is diagnosed
in 40% in autopsies but less than 1% during life."
American Society of Clinical Oncology: Histologically diagnosed lung
metastasis from prostate cancer,1003,_12-002636-00_18-0037-00_19-0020040,00.asp
"Although hematogenous spread of other malignancies is most commonly
to the lungs and liver, 90 percent of prostatic metastases involve the
spine, with the lumbar spine affected three times more often than the
cervical spine. Prostate cancer also spreads to the lungs in about 50
percent of patients with metastatic disease, and to the liver in about
25 percent of those with metastases... Data collected before the
importance of PSA values was recognized indicate that the average time
from the diagnosis of prostate cancer to the occurrence of metastasis
is 19 months for bone metastasis, 35 months for lung metastasis, and
60 months for brain metastasis."
American Academy of Family Physicians
"Metastatic tumors in the lungs are malignancies (cancers) that
developed at other sites and spread via the blood stream to the lungs.
Common tumors that metastasize to the lungs include breast cancer,
colon cancer, prostate cancer, sarcoma, bladder cancer, neuroblastoma,
and Wilm's tumor. However, almost any cancer has the capacity to
spread to the lungs."
Medline Plus: Metastatic cancer to the lung
"Brain metastases are a very rare finding in prostate carcinoma...
Two-thirds of patients can be expected to have either lymph node
involvement or bony spread, and about half will have spread to
additional sites. About one-half of patients will have lung
involvement, over one-third with bladder or liver metastases and at
least 10% will have spread to kidneys or adrenal glands. Only 2% show
metastases to brain, and other series have reported even lower
UCLA Department of Medicine: CLINICAL VIGNETTE
"In the US: Autopsy series have demonstrated that pulmonary metastases
are present in 20-54% of all patients who die of cancer. The incidence
of pulmonary metastases during the course of the disease or at
presentation is obviously less than that of the autopsy series. The
incidence of lung metastases varies with the primary neoplasm (see the
Incidence of Pulmonary Metastases According to Site:
Primary Tumor Frequency at Presentation,% Frequency at Autopsy,%
Choriocarcinoma 60 70-100
Melanoma 5 66-80
Testis, germ cell 12 70-80
Osteosarcoma 15 75
Thyroid 7 65
Kidney 20 50-75
Head and neck 5 15-40
Breast 4 60
Bronchus 30 40
Colorectal <5 25-40
Prostate 5 15-50
Bladder 7 25-30
Uterus <1 30-40"
eMedicine: Lung Metastases
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "lung metastases" "prostatic carcinoma"
Google Web Search: "prostate cancer" OR "prostatic carcinoma" percent
metastasis lung
Google Web Search: "pulmonary metastasis" prostate cancer OR carcinoma
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad
to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |