You will find a wealth of details in an article about the 2001 Deville
Touring Sedan (DTS) here:
Regarding fuel efficiency, the 2001 Deville gets 17 mpg in the city,
27 mpg in the highway, as calculated by the EPA. This compares
favorably with other cars of its class; the 2001 Lincoln Town Car, for
example, gets 18 mpg in the city and 25 mpg on the highway.
In the area of air pollution, the Environmental Protective Agency has
given the 2001 Deville a score of 6 out of 10; the EPA "Green Vehicle
Class Rating" for the Deville is two out of five stars (the car's very
powerful engine accounts for that.)
Here you will find a road test of the 2000 DTS:
At MSN's Carpoint site you will find information on safety features of
the 2000 Deville, including National Highway Traffic Safety
Association frontal crash test results (in which the Deville was
awarded 4 stars out of 5.) In addition, this gives a ranking of
insurance costs comparated to similarly priced vehicles. There are
seven rating groups, ranging from "significantly better than average"
to "significantly worse than average," and the DTS was rated "average"
in insurance costs.
The Consumer Reports Safety Assessment (CRSA) rated the 2000 Deville
as "Good," but several other large autos were ranked higher:
Of course, a car's performance in a crash is not the only factor when
considering safety. The Cadillac Deville DTS has many features which
enhance crash avoidance, notably the Infrared Night Vision System. The
OnStar System, which is a standard feature of the DTS, provides
instant emergency medical and navigational assistance. All in all,
this is a very impressive automobile. I visited dozens of Web sites
while gathering data, and I did not come across a single alarming or
problematic comment regarding the Cadillac Deville DTS.
I hope this information is useful to you. If anything in my answer is
unclear, or if any of the links are non-functional, please ask for
Best regards,
(My Google search strategy involved various combinations of "cadillac
dts," "cadillac deville," "fuel efficiency," "road tests," and "crash
tests.") |