Hi Ottonorse,
"The suggestion should not require extensive research time (such as
call all local realtors with this list nor enter this criteria in
multiple search engines.)"
I can understand your frustration; realtors want to sell what they
have on their list and don't want to go hunting around for a few
places that may or may not meet your requirements - the same problem
a Researcher would have.
I expect that it will take some of your own time (days) to find the
cabin, but that is not unreasonable for the amount of investment and
to satisfy your long term satisfaction.
Have you considered placing ads in the local newspapers and in the SF
Chronicle and Sacramento paper? The place you want is likely to be
owned by someone outside the immediate area who wants to sell.
If you are willing to spend some time in the area, identifying more
closely specific areas that are of interest, you can then search the
county assessors' maps for potential parcels. A realtor can also help
with this since they also have the maps.
Yeah, I know, this is not the kind of quick solution that you were
hoping for, but I don't think there is one.
Good luck, Myoarin |