Hello again Jhabley,
Because of its recent popularization, research into podcasting beyond
trends and predictions is limited. There are a lot of projections on
podcasting's potential because of the exponential growth of the number
of podcasts and people using the technology.
?Much of the demographic information on podcast listenership is
sketchy, conflicting, and based on small samples.?
?A June survey of 4,000 Internet users by Jupiter Research showed that
7 percent of those surveyed downloaded or listened to a Podcast in the
last year.?
?Those who regularly use RSS/XML feeds, podcasts and blogs are most
likely to be users with more than 5 years of online experience, male,
between the ages of 18 and 34, with annual incomes of $75,000 or
Podcast marketing: Show me the results
November 17, 2005
See eweek.com article
?A survey of over 8,000 American consumers by pollsters CLX has
revealed that podcasting is most popular with those over 45, with 21
per cent of those questioned listening to podcasts. This compares to
just 13 per cent of 15 to 24-year olds.?
vnunet.com : August 19, 2005
A Bridge Ratings study shows that ?currently approximately 20% of
users who have ever downloaded and listened to a podcast do so on a
weekly basis. This group downloads an average of six podcasts per week
and spends approximately four hours a month listening to the podcasts
they download. According to the survey, less than 20% listen to their
podcast downloads on an MP3 player or other digital device.?
Podcasting News: November 15, 2005
Podcast listeners are:
?Listeners often subscribe to certain shows and listen consistently to
new episodes
Engaged: While Web site viewers suffer many distractions on any given
site, podcasts are frequently listened to while driving, exercising or
gardening. The listener is exclusively consuming one medium at a
Unlikely to fast-forward:
?Being active, listeners have their hands full. The amount of effort
it would take to fast forward through a short ad is often not
worthwhile. ?
?Podcast listeners are at the forefront of the iPod generation.?
?Listeners are reachable through shows that focus on very narrow topics?
?Potential podcast listeners are a lucrative target because they ``are
younger, more affluent and more likely to be [cultural] influencers,''
according to a July report by Forrester, a research group. ?
TBO.com: August 2005
Educated, Affluent and Intelligent
AdAge reports that Lexus has announced a 26-week deal with California
public radio station KCRW to sponsor podcasts. The agreement was
signed on behalf of the Southern California Lexus Dealers and goes
into effect in October.
KCRW, known for debuting and reporting on cutting-edge music, attracts
an audience that reflects Lexus? target: educated, affluent and
Growth rate of Podcasting - Leo Laporte The Tech Guy
16% of people use RSS to subscribe to podcasts
96% have listened to 6 or more podcast
90% listen to all podcasts of that feed
8.5 people are satisfied with content
97% male
Here are some very specific podcast listener statistics taken from
JasonCable.com's (GLBT) mediakit:
?92% of the podcast listeners are males.
97% of listeners consider themselves gay, lesbian, or bisexual
83% of listeners are under 40 years old; 49% are under 30
91% of listeners listen to the show at least weekly
2/3 of listeners have listened to every show to date or are catching
up on past shows
37% surveyed said that "coming out" is the most important topic thus covered;
18% said depression
90% of respondents said that this podcast has helped them in their lives
On a scale of 1-10, ten being excellent, 78% of listeners surveyed rated this
podcast an 8 or better.?
?This first 40 shows of the podcast averaged over 1,000 downloads each
? Locations with over 500MB of downloads in the month of August (in order):
1. United States
2. Great Britain
3. Canada
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. Japan
7. China
8. Netherlands
9. Hong Kong
10. Philippines
11. Singapore
12. Taiwan
13. Belgium
14. Mexico
About 20% of listeners are located outside of the United States
51% of listeners live in an urban area; 39% suburban
15% of all listeners live in the State of California?
For your convenience I am reposting below the previous information provided.
The Pew Internet publication regarding Podcasting.
DATE: April 2005
"Aruntx iPodcasting Showcase Radio Show Content Guide Advertising Sat 11 12:
Aruntx Entertainment Media offers the largest, most advanced, high
quality syndicated advertising opportunities in the industry. With
over 11,500 screens and 400 million listeners and program venue
readers per year, Aruntx reaches more patrons with the highest impact
digital presentation than any network in existence. Aruntx has your
audience, and they are engaged. Market Overview: 90 percent of world
coverage, in 43 of the top 50 DMAs syndicated coverage, 81 percent are
in multi-national counts. Consumer Demographics: Aruntx Media has 400
million podcast-goers per year, with an age demographic 55 percent
between 18 and 49 years, with gender 51 percent Males, 49 percent
Female, with a household income of 59 percent having an income over
Podcast listeners are educated and affluent. They are also music and
technology enthusiasts
"So if the reach isn't there, what is the allure for companies to
advertise in podcasts? It's the type of audience -- technology savvy
trendsetters. While there are millions of MP3 players out there,
podcast listeners are still a relatively small group. Right now, the
people listening to podcasts are consumers who get excited about
next-generation technology. They are music and technology enthusiasts.
They tend to be affluent and educated. And advertisers see them as
excellent forecasters for what will be hot -- and, ultimately, as key
influencers on other people."
"In addition to reaching trendsetters, advertisers see the potential
for touching a very targeted audience through podcasts. A company
selling golf clubs may not have much traction on a podcast about cats.
Likewise, an electronics retailer might not find the best audience on
a podcast about weight loss. However, Best Buy's sponsorship of the
Engadget podcast gives them an edge because they are tapping in to
their core consumer base -- a trendsetting audience that is very
excited about the latest electronics."
?They?re young, technically savvy, loyal, enthusiastic card-carrying
members of the burgeoning iPod Nation. They represent an attractive
demographic of early adopter influencers that marketers covet. And,
thanks to an emerging revolution in online audio content called
podcasting, there are all kinds of new and exciting ways to reach them
through ?podvertising.?
Imedia Connection
?Obviously if you look at the demographics of who is listening to
podcasts right now it's the early adopters, people who are spending
money more, people with broadband and these MP3 players," says
Flitter. "Products that target that demographic are going to perform
much better."
Boards Mag November 1,2005
Search criteria:
Podcast audience demographics
Podcast listeners income age gender
?podcast listeners are?
Podcasting statistics advertising target audience.
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |