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Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
Category: Science Asked by: fred777-ga List Price: $18.00 |
29 Aug 2002 02:06 PDT
Expires: 28 Sep 2002 02:06 PDT Question ID: 59801 |
What is the mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube given its diamator and length? |
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Re: Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
Answered By: kyrie26-ga on 29 Aug 2002 02:24 PDT |
Hi fred777-ga, Thank you for your question. Welcome to the wonderful world of mathematics! I have found the answer to your question : The surface area of a tube (cylinder) is the product of its circumference (perimeter) and length. The formula is : [pi] 2r h OR [pi] d h ...where [pi] is the the constant for circles (3.142 rounded), r is the radius, d is the diameter (2r) and h is the length, or height, of the tube. In other words, the surface area of a tube is : 3.142 X diameter X length For more information, please do visit this excellent website : Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics http://mathworld.wolfram.com Circumference http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circumference.html Surface Area http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SurfaceArea.html Google Search Terms : tube surface area ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=tube+surface+area Hope that answers your question! Please ask for clarification if you need any. Have fun, kyrie26-ga |
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Re: Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
From: lecteur-ga on 29 Aug 2002 02:34 PDT |
think of your cylinder as a rolled plane (or a rolled sheet of paper) and the calculation of its surface can be seen as the product of the length of that plane (the length of the tube) and its width, which is equivalent to the circumference of the circle, (pi)x(d). |
Re: Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
From: daisy_uk-ga on 29 Aug 2002 03:17 PDT |
There is a small amount of confusion in the answers here, although both correctly answer the question as it was asked. The surface area of a tube is, as stated, (pi)x(2)x(radius)x(height). However, both answers mention a cylinder which is a solid object (unlike a tube which is hollow) and the surface area must include the 'top' and 'bottom' circles. The surface area of one of these circles is (pi)x(radius)x(radius), therefore both of them are 2x(pi)x(radius)x(radius). The total surface area of a cylinder is (pi)x(2)x(radius)x(height)+(2)x(pi)x(radius)x(radius). Simplifying this (and it does need symplifying!), we have: surface area = 2r(pi)(h+r) [r=radius, pi=3.141, h=height]. Hopefully this doesn't confuse too much. |
Re: Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
From: kyrie26-ga on 29 Aug 2002 08:12 PDT |
I got curious about this and looked it up. It appears that cylinder and tube can be used interchangably in mathematics to mean a hollow shape without the ends closed : Cylinder -- from MathWorld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Cylinder.html "In common usage, the term "cylinder" refers to a solid of circular cross section in which the centers of the circles all lie on a single line (i.e., a right circular cylinder). In mathematical usage, "cylinder" is commonly taken to refer to only the lateral sides of this solid, excluding the top and bottom caps." ... so that should bury any confusion whatsoever. Cheers! kyrie26-ga |
Re: Mathmatical formula for finding the surface area of a tube.
From: johnknowitall-ga on 29 Aug 2002 10:26 PDT |
A tube has an inside surface and a outside surface and a top and bottom surface. Just look at any tube to verfy this. Surface Area of a Tube = area of outside cylinder + area of inside cylinder + the area of both ends. Area of outside of tube = Pi ( outside diameter) X (length) Area of inside of tube = Pi (inside diameter) X (length) Area of 2 ends = 2[(Pi)(1/2 outside daimeter) X (1/2 outside diameter) - (Pi)(1/2 inside diameter) X (1/2 inside diameter)] |
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