Dear Panas0nic,
Here are several "academic" sources about Aileen Wuornos and other serial killers.
DAVIS, Carol Anne. Women who kill: profiles of female serial killers.
London, G.B.: Allison & Busby, 2002.
EW Hickey, _Serial murderers and their victims_ Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth, 2002. [book]
KELLEHER, Michael D.; KELLEHER, C. L. Murder most rare: the female
serial killer. Westport, Conn., U.S.A.: Praeger, 1998
SL Shipley, BA Arrigo, _The female homicide offender: serial murder
and the case of Aileen Wuornos_ Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall , 2004. [book]
BA Arrigo, A Griffin, 2004. "Serial murder and the case of Aileen
Wuornos: attachment theory, psychopathy, and predatory aggression"
_Behavioral Sciences & the Law_ Volume 22, Issue 3 , Pages 375 - 393
P Chesler, "… in the Criminal Justice System: A Woman's Right to
Self-Defence: The Case of Aileen Carol Wuornos." _St. John’s Law
Review, 1993 _
Fox and Levin, "Female Serial Killers," in Concetta Culliver (ed.),
Female Criminality: The State of the Art, Greenwood Press, 1993
HALE, Robert.; BOLIN, Anthony. "The Female Serial Killer;" in: HOLMES,
Ronald M.; HOLMES, Stephen T. [eds.]. Contemporary Perspectives on
Serial Murder. Thousand Oaks, CA., U.S.A.: Sage Publications, 1998,
pp. 33-58.
KIRBY, Patricia Lee. "The Feminization of Serial Killing: A Gender
Identity Study of Male and Female Serialists Using Covert Methods of
Murder." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities &
Social Sciences, 59:7A (January 1999), 2727.
SCHURMAN-KAUFLIN, Deborah S. "Profiles of the Female Multiple
Murderer." Dissertation Abstracts International, 60:11-B (June 2000),
PHALIN, Alan John. Sociological aspects between male and female serial
killers: a comparative analysis. Thesis (M. A.)--National-Louis
University, College of Arts and Sciences, Evanston, IL., U.S.A., 2001
Further possible sources on Google Scholar:
[Aileen Wuornos]
[female serial killers]
Names of Serial Killers
Beverley Allitt
Mary Ann Cotton
Wikipedia - a full list
I hope this answers your question. PLease contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. |