The ' New World Order' from man's viewpoint, may be the future
scenario where governments finally get their act together and realise
that all the worlds problems stem from false religion. In every
conflict there has been a religious aspect. Revelation spells it out.
Rev. 17;1 talks about the "Great Harlot' who sits on many 'waters'.
False religion controlling millions. This 'Entity' is also described
as 'Babylon the Great'. Rev. 18;9 states this one had dealings with
the Kings of the earth [ governments] and verse 11, it also had
dealings with 'the travelling merchants' [ big business]. As the only
other major worldwide organisation, it has to be religion. It is
descibed as having great wealth, and clothed in purple and scarlet.
Sounds familiar. This Babylon the Great will be done away with by the
governments and big business will mourn her passing [ Rev. 18;15]. But
when governments, possibly by this time combined worldwide and
probably enforcing a type of world peace, make the claim that they
have achieved " Peace and Security", 1 Thessalonians 5;3 Whenever it
is that they are saying: ?Peace and security!? then sudden destruction
is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a
pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape".
They will then look around and find just one last religious
organisation left to 'eliminate' this last one is the very one doing
exactly as God wants. When they act to do this, it will be as though
they are touching God's 'eyeball', [even for us, very painful] and the
description is very apt. Zechariah 2;8 For this is what Jehovah of
armies has said, ?Following after [the] glory he has sent me to the
nations that were despoiling YOU people; for he that is touching YOU
is touching my eyeball".
Religious groups have been persecuted in the past, so this prophecy
applies only to the group that is truly doing God's will.
It is in the near future. |