I am looking for information for my mother.
She has been a pediatrician in the United States for 20 years.
Her old friend has a medical practice in Toronto, Ontario and she
would like to take over when he retires in 2006. There are issues
between the American Board of Pediatrics and the equivalent
organization in Canada.
She was licensed to practice in Canada by the College of Physicians
and Surgeons for Ontario and took the LMCP in 1979.
She then took the FLEX exam to practice as a general practioner in the
Unites States since 1980.
Both countries have a specialty exam. In the U.S. its called the
American Board of Pediatrics exam.
In Canada its called the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for
Pediatrics exam.
The requirement for the American Board of Pediatrics was 3 years of
pediatric residency and the exam.
My mother finished 3 years and 4 months of pediatric residency in
Canada and the U.S. combined and took the Board Exam and scored very
high in the 99th percentile.
She was certified in 1988 by the American Board of Pediatrics. She was
recertified for her pediatrics specialty in 1995 and 2002.
She has practiced as a Board Certified Fellow of the American Academy
of Pediatrics or 20 years now.
The Royal College in Canada required 4 years of pediatric residency
and the Royal College of Pediatrics Exam.
The problem that needs a solution is getting Canada to now recognize
her as pediatrician when she goes to take over her friend's practice.
What I am looking for is detailed information for the best case
scenario and approach to convince the Canadian board
To allow her to practice as a pediatric specialist in Ontario based on
her 20 years of pediatrics practice in
America as a board certified pediatrician which is what we want to
have them take into account.
Of course common sense dictates to write a nice letter and outline the
situation but I need something more specific and based on either
experience or even a specific case.
My mother is getting up in her years and she cannot go back and do
residency and rounds with the kids again after 20 years of being a
pediatrician being almost 60 years old.
I am really looking for detailed scenarios that have allowed the
Canadian medical board to make exceptions in the
past for this kind of thing including URLs to any possible forms or
case studies/past cases and/or any specific type
of academic testing not requiring additional schooling that could
grant the specialty licensing or
ANYTHING that could help in this situation is open
If a person posts information that ends up in actually succeeding in
solving the problem, I will max my price to
$200 for final payment.
I can post further details if necessary. Just ask. The sooner the
better on information.
Finally again, I am looking for SPECIFIC information such as cases,
personal accounts with similar situations, forms, loopholes, tricks,
contact names or numbers of people that can help further within
organizations of merit.
General suggestions such as writing a letter and outlining everything
is not an answer I am looking for.
Thanks very much! |