Request for Question Clarification by
29 Nov 2005 12:16 PST
Hi riccoc54,
Please let me know if any of the following programs fit your needs:
"BuddyTracker is a tool used for logging people who read your AIM
profile. Once the BuddyTracker link is inserted into your profile it
begins recording all AIM users that click on your link."
"Rethinking AIM Profiles. That's the slogan of SmartProfile. My goal
is to provide quality profiles with exciting features you won't find
anywhere else, while maintaining ease of use and solid foundations.
You've seen the competition, now take a look at what SmartProfile has
to offer. You get an unlimited front page, countdowns, friends list,
links, pages, poll, private messages, user defined random text,
visitor log with IP addresses, privacy options, customization options,
smiley sets, and even have more than one layout available."
Sign up:
Link Spy
"Link Spy is a way to help track who clicks on links within your AIM
Away Message or Profile. Instead of simply putting a link in your
profile, come to IMchaos first and setup a Link Spy.
When a buddy checks your "Info" to read your Away Message or Profile
they will see the link to click. Once they click they will be take to
whatever web site you have specified.
When you check your own "Info" and click on the same link, you will be
redirected to a special Administration Page. This page is where you
can set your options and view the log of who has clicked on the link."
Waiting to hear your views.
Best wishes,