Request for Question Clarification by
29 Nov 2005 19:16 PST
If your company is registered with a state in the US, and your DBA is
included as part of that registration information, then it's publicly
available information. In most state's, this is not too hard to get,
though some are easier than others.
Your website also has registration information associated with it,
which is broadly viewable by anyone who cares to look...these
sometimes contain a lot of revealing information, and sometimes not.
If you'd care to post your DBA name here, -- remember, this is a
public forum -- I'd be glad to research it, and let you know whether
it's easy or hard to find out more about the company behind the DBA
name (without actually posting the name, if that is your preference.)
If you prefer to proceed some other way, let me know what would best suit you.