Perhaps this information will be helpful to you.
Q - I have not been able to find the answer to my grandson's
question--can alligators jump, as over a fence? I thought I heard once
that they could. Could you answer this one for us, please?
A - Alligators cannot jump over fences, but I have seen alligators up
to six feet long climb over both chicken wire and chain-link fences.
I'm not sure how high they might climb to get over a fence, but
certainly several feet.
Myth #3. Alligators are not good climbers.
Alligators have sharp claws and powerful tails to help them push their
bodies up. Young alligators are agile climbers and adults have been
known to climb fences to get to water or escape captivity. Low fences,
therefore, may not be sufficient protection for pets in areas where
alligators are present. Fences should be more than 4.5 feet tall if
you are attempting to keep alligators out of your yard.
Depending upon the region, predation behavior of reptile species may
lead to conflicts. Alligators can be excluded from areas using
concrete or wooden walls along waterways, provided walls are greater
than 3 feet above the high-water mark. Because alligators can climb
fences, it is best to exclude them using strong fences that are at
least 5 feet high. The top of the fence should be angled outward to
deter climbing.
Damage Prevention and Control Methods
Alligators are most dangerous in water
or at the water?s edge. They occasionally
make overland forays in search of
new habitat, mates, or prey. Concrete
or wooden bulkheads that are a minimum
of 3 feet (1 m) above the high
water mark will repel alligators along
waterways and lakes. Alligators have
been documented to climb 5-foot (1.5-
m) chain-link fences to get at dogs.
Fences at least 5 feet high with 4-inch
(10-cm) mesh will effectively exclude
larger alligators if the top of the fence
is angled outward.
See photo!amis3.htm
Sub-adult basking on a grassy bank close to water. Animals will rarely
bask far from water, into which they can rapidly retreat if
Middle of page - see An American Alligator basking on a log. |