Hi _andrew_-ga,
I'll try my hand at translating these chat messages. Below, "ch?"
literally means "older sister", but it's usually a term of address or
self-address for a female slightly older than the speaker or the
person addressed. Note that "?i ch?i v?i" is an idiomatic phrase that
literally means "to go play with" - it usually means doing some
activities with another person, such as going to the movies, etc., I
translated it as "went out with" below.
R is probably the name of her current husband/boyfriend. aT stands
for anh Thang, the person she went out with. d is her name.
------------------------------Translation begins-------------------------------
bbc: only recently..., ch? [I] want to think carefully about the
relationship between ch? [me] and R
bbc: only the cost of the ticket
ckn: arguing again?
bbc: if [we] don't go anywhere then it's not too expensive
ckn: I thought so
bbc: oh
bbc: because in Vietnam ch? [I] went out with [?i ch?i v?i] an old
friend..., but R didn't like that
ckn: is the argument about [you] going to Vietnam
bbc: R thinks that I cheat on him
bbc: no
ckn: but how did he know?
bbc: when I got home I was a bit indifferent....
ckn: but whom did you went out with? [see "?i ch?i v?i", above]
bbc: I thought...going out to dinner & drinks so it's not a big deal
bbc: with anh Thang, just an old friend
ckn: he's a Westerner but he's so interesting/peculiar/quaint/cute,
don't you think?
bbc: the problem is that I was a bit indifferent and cold to him
ckn: if d [you] was only a little bit indifferent then how did he know
that d [you] went out with [?i ch?i v?i] anh T
ckn: ok
bbc: I told him about anh T before
ckn: ok
bbc: the problem is that before anh T likes me a little bit...
ckn: uhm
bbc: but meeting him again, I only thought of him as an old friend...,
[we just] talked about old times
ckn: ok
bbc: anyway...., because I lied to him..., telling him that I didn't meet T
bbc: I didn't like that...
ckn: hihihi [giggle]
ckn: ok
bbc: but he's right to be angry..., it's just that my thinking was too simplistic
ckn: It's not a big deal then
bbc: because he doesn't like me lying to him...,
ckn: uhm
bbc: and additionally he thinks that these things are not good for relationships
bbc: I think [he's] right.
ckn: ri[ght?]
bbc: so now I have to think carefully...to see if I can commit 100%
bbc: anyway...., everything depends on me!
ckn: ok
ckn: it depends
bbc: and K and T, how's it going?
ckn: examine closely if [you] like him anymore
ckn: it's going mormally
ckn: after Tet he/she [nó=it, he/she (pejorative)] and his/her bunch
of friends will come over here
bbc: of course there's liking
bbc: but often [our] ways of thinking differ
ckn: liking is one thing,, but can [I] accept the bad habit,,,whether
[I] can bear it is the major thing
bbc: I'm still young so [I] still want to have some fun
bbc: R is more mature....
bbc: I understand that
bbc: but in the case of bad habits, I have more of those than R
ckn: hahahha
bbc: anyway, how was [your] talk with R the other day?
ckn: it's a normal talk
ckn: we only talk about trivial things
bbc: R likes K,
ckn: really?
bbc: and said [he] will support K [you?] if K [you?] can come over here
ckn: what's to like?
ckn: Heavens!
ckn: he said that only to make me happyo
bbc: because K [you] is my younger sister/brother
ckn: who has the time to be that nice
ckn: no [let's end this]
ckn: it's too time-consuming
ckn: and being indebted ,,,it's a pain
ckn: it's better [to do it] myself
bbc: of course
bbc: but R is a good person and very caring
bbc: of course he's unlike our people
ckn: ok
-----------------------------------End translation-----------------------------
If you need clarification, please do request for it.
secret901-ga |