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can a man bring your period on?
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: goldiemail-ga List Price: $10.00 |
02 Dec 2005 16:42 PST
Expires: 01 Jan 2006 16:42 PST Question ID: 600726 |
can a man bring on your period? i have met a guy and spent time with him and he has brought my period on early, twice. he just loves me so much and i love him so much that i melt inside. can this be? have you ever heard of love bringing on a period before? i know that lots of sex can make your insides happy and relaxed and being it on and that kind of makes sense to me, but this is purely a soul connection. I have searched the net but not found anything at all. |
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Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: markvmd-ga on 02 Dec 2005 19:07 PST |
Love, schmove-- it's chemicals. The last thing I want to do is describe the complicated process involved in menstruation except to say that in healthy females menses is caused by decreased progesterone and estrogen secretion by the ovary. Can external stimuli trigger this? In 1956, W.K. Whitten (et al) described an experiment that concluded that exposure of anestrous female mice to male mice initiates the estrous cycle. This isn't exactly the same as what you are asking, but it appears that there can be external trips to an internal switch. Related experiments show that menarche (look it up!) can be delayed by sexual segregation, and advanced by commingling of sexes. Median ages of menarche during Victorian times compared to now seem to prove this hypothesis. And you conspiracy theorist thought it was the BGH in milk! Be sensible and responsible, don't be overly trustful of him until you've known each other for, say, 15 or so years, and enjoy your young love. I've left more than enough room for an Answerer to respond, I hope. |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: omnivorous-ga on 03 Dec 2005 06:55 PST |
Goldie -- Actually, it's long been known that WOMEN tend to bring on menstrual cycles (and they end up being synchronized in large groups). The phenomenon is known as "synchronous menstruation". It is a phenomenon that can be exacerbated under stress, as well. But the great Cecil Adams (of Chicago Reader and "Straight Dope" book fame) wrote about the phenomenon almost 20 years ago, noting: "Women who associate with males frequently find that their periods become shorter and more regular. One woman told McClintock that she had a six-month cycle length until she began hanging out with guys, at which point her periods began occurring every 4.5 weeks. When she resumed her solitary ways, her cycle lengthened again." The Straight Dope "Do the menstrual cycles of women living together tend to synchronize?" (Adams, May 9, 1986) http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_306.html Some good Google search strategies for you: ""synchronous menstruation" "synchronized periods" women Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: markvmd-ga on 03 Dec 2005 09:34 PST |
Omnivorous, the synchronization of menstruation was shown in the Lee-Boot experiments with mice in the 1950s, long before Martha McLintock came along. This is different from the attenuation of anestrus shown by the Whitten experiments. Lee-Boot states cycles will slow and/or stop (among other things), not be brought on. Comparing estrus in mice to menses in people is a little dicey. If you think of the menstrual cycle of humans and the estrus cycle of mice as a sexual cycle, you can envision more of a comparison. Now I had best go buy flowers for my little mouse. |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: elids-ga on 04 Dec 2005 16:35 PST |
I would suggest the possibility that he may be using the wrong cologne. There is no data to back this up, but companies are selling colognes for men and women laced with pheromones that are meant to 'attract' the opposite sex and supposedly increase your chances of intercourse with your partner. "The idea was that men produce androstadienone and that's a sex attractant to women, and women produce estratetraenol and that's a sex attractant to men," "McClintock and Kathleen Stern, PhD, to show that fluids collected from a donor woman's underarms, when applied to the upper lip of a female recipient, could hasten or delay the recipient's menstrual period." it occurs to me that if he is using the cologne meant to be used by women it may be acting as something that is accelerating your menstrual cycle. Keep in mind I'm not a scientist, but I think it's worth exploring.... Elí http://www.apa.org/monitor/oct02/pheromones.html |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: ariesangel-ga on 24 Dec 2005 07:06 PST |
I have very very irregular period before I met my first boyfriend at the ripe old age of 28. After we started dating, my period cycle became regular. Please note that there has been NO (vgn) penetration in the first 2 year or so(almost)! [Only heavy petting and oralsex.] I think when male and female are really close together, the physical thing do help to make a woman healthier! |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: babygirl26-ga on 29 Dec 2005 13:31 PST |
To make it simple. Do not confuss love with sex. Sex is great. It has happen to me too. Guys have made my period come early too. I really think it depends on the intensity of the intercourse. It also happen to me when I was pregnant, i thought I was having a miscarriage and then the dr. asked if had sex. Of course I had, and she said that from time to time this will happen if you have intense intercourse. Now that I am with a women I have not had a period for three months. Everyone says it is stress but I think if I had sex with a man I would bleed. hope this helps. Just tone down the intercourse don't be so rough. |
Re: can a man bring your period on?
From: victorm-ga on 05 Jan 2006 12:11 PST |
Technically, not the man. But how your body gets affected. However, once you meet him more often that surge of "energy" will subside and you'll probably go back to normal. Excitment, such as school tests, job interviews, vacations... all have can impact you. VictorM <a href="http://argville.com/blog-ask-arguy.htm">Advice</a> |
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