Hi ionushi!!
It is always great to see the asker satisfied with our job. I am
reposting my previous comment here to make it the official answer.
I found only one article talking about this topic, it is written in spanish.
This article explain how an investigation team has determined the
total number of syllables that Spanish language has.
As a result they found the following numbers:
2518 confirmed syllabes --> these syllabes are listed in a table.
140 unconfirmed syllabes --> these ones are not listed in the table
because they are under a process of confirmation (strange syllables
coming from quechua, náhuatl, composed words, neologisms, anglicisms,
At this moment the result of this project is under the consideration
of the Real Academia Española, which is considering the possibility to
include these results in the next publication of their Gramatica.
Here is the article:
"CC. Un listado de las sílabas del español" by JERÓNIMO ARMARIO TORO:
Here is the table of syllabes:
-Search strategy-
These are the useful keywords used at Google.com:
"lista de silabas" español
"numero de silabas" español
"listado de silabas" español
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity of answer this question for you.
Best regards,
livioflores-ga |