Request for Question Clarification by
31 Dec 2005 21:43 PST
There are several parameters not fully explained in your question,
such as:
does 'in the future' mean between now and 2010, 2050 or 2100 ??
does solar panels means 'photovoltaics'? (some panels just heat water)
Should we assume that 'terrestial solar' will be main source of energy
'after oil' or 'after fossil fuels' (which are different time periods) or
should we accept current 'expert projections', such as e.g. those in the
paper ?Energy for the future : renewable sources of energy? which states that
by year 2010 we can expect only about 1E6 photovoltaic rooftops,
producing only 3 GW of power - a small percentage of total (see table 5.5)..
It would also help if you indicate what you know or assume
about the current and future energy resources and needs:
are you comfortable with scientific units and notation,
such as 1GW = 1E9 Watts = 1000 000 000 Joules/ second ..)
and so statements such as:
"current world consumption is 12000 GW of which
85 percent is fossil-fueled .."
Since current US projections and plans (see e.g.) files/dynamic/195200312817_chapter5.pdf
differ from the rest of the world,
does the 'we' refers to US only plans, or 'all of the mankind' ?
You may clarify these issues, or (preferably)
explore the underlying issues first, in a series of several smaller questions.
Which do you prefer?