This is a multi part question and it requires you read about three
pages from me before answering.
I don't want lots of math, just ideas that come to mind. This is for fun.
First:Is there a place to put these three pages on the web where
people might comment?
Here are the questions to answer after the three pages:
Assuming the universe that is expanding, could all of the matter in
the universe be expanding as well?
Could our position in the universe be described as traveling away from
everything rather than everything traveling away from us?
Here are the three pages:
I figure I?m going to write this and put it out there and see if it
draws any interesting conversation. It?s kind of an exercise or
perhaps exorcism. These thoughts enter my mind even though they have
no right to. My ignorance is the only reason they can exist. Still
there is some sort of logic in this pesky little clump of thoughts.
For me it makes interesting conversation, but few people I know would
think so. The thoughts reoccur because they have to. When I understand
the flaws in them, the thoughts will go away. Sure, it seems dumb, but
here we go.
We used to think everything revolved around the earth. If you were
really good at math maybe you could still put the earth at the center
of everything and predict the movement of things? Seems like nature
and the universe exist independent of us and we try to dress it in our
ideas to make it look good or make sense. Our ideas don?t change the
universe. We discard ideas that don?t fit and pick up new ideas when
they do a better job of describing what we see.
Now we are hot and heavy about relativity like it is the final thing.
We go down that road and follow that rigid structure because if we
don?t, by our definition, we are wrong. We keep expanding and
improving and getting more complex building a tower of facts with a
very skinny base. We seem to think we are the special ones at the
special time when the basic meaning of things has been figured out. We
just need to hang a few new clothes on it and it will be done.
That is just a little constricting and unreasonable. Our understanding
of the universe has become complex, perhaps explained more in the
language of equations then actual human thought. The tower of
reasoning we have built will fall one day. We will use the pieces that
still work and build another tower.
Its funny, but the statement ?the speed of light is constant?, can
sound a little like ?the earth is flat? or ?the earth is the center of
the universe?. This is the way things are and the way people think.
Currently, the speed of light is constant and maybe it always will be,
but then again maybe not.
I don?t do ?high math? but I have to think, I must think because I have a mind.
I like things that spin, I like gyroscopes.
As a kid I thought I might make an anti gravity machine with a
lawnmower engine and gyroscopes.
Sometimes thoughts don?t go away until they are put in order with what
we know. They keep coming back.
Frames of reference, inertia, gravity, things that spin, very big
things and very little things clump together in my mind.
The simple concept of reference frames are like an interesting toy. I
enjoy the thought that a rocket traveling through space can be silent
and still. It is almost a religious experience to think about the fact
that if nothing else is near the rocket, there is no way to tell if it
is moving.
The fact that you can tell if the rocket is spinning kind of ruins the
moment. Or at least it is a distraction. It doesn?t seem to fit with
the ?all alone in space? thing.
Objects at rest want to stay at rest. Objects want to travel in a straight line.
When you say objects travel in straight lines you are also making a
rule that frames of reference travel in straight lines. In other
words, frames of reference can not spin. Or put another way, there is
a cosmic grid independent of matter. Sounds kind of like ?ether?, but
evidently that doesn?t exist. It is simple to say things want to go
straight. Not so simple to explain why.
As a college freshman a physics major gave me a little book about
Relativity. The experience was a lot like when I was a kid and my
parents handed me the book ?Dr. Spock talks to children about sex?. I
just did not want to imagine what the book said was true.
It bothered me immensely that frames of reference did not hold up.
What initially disturbed me were the things that bother everyone when
they first look at relativity.
But after making peace with the cold hard facts, what continued to
chafe me was that it seemed like everyone seemed willing to say they
understood it while I still had intuitive problems with it. It?s not
in me to believe I am dumber than everyone else.
I took a feeble stab at the people who understand. I went to the head
of the physics department armed with my little relativity pamphlet.
(Strange thing is the professor?s name was Dr. Strait.) Part of what I
said I remember like this: ?This little book says there are no
instantaneous events, everything takes time to happen. On the same
page it says light travels at a constant speed. Ha, if that was true a
mirror could not work because it stops light and sends it in the
opposite direction. The light would either have to change direction
instantaneously(not possible) or slow down(light doesn?t do that),
stop and take off in the opposite direction.?
He was nice to me. He explained that light ceases being light for just
an instant as it is reflected. He patted me on the head, suggested I
take physics for poets and sent me on my way.
Since the days of my lawnmower gyroscope inspiration, things that spin
enter my imagination(not too often) and won?t leave. There is
something about rotation we don?t know, no one knows. We explain it
with math, but I don?t believe anyone can really wrap their mind
around it. I should feel the same way about gravity, but I don?t.
Gravity is constant in our world so it is easier to forget about.
I liked the movie The Incredibles. The parents keep telling the little
boy that everyone is special. He replies, ? ya, which is another way
of saying everyone is the same?.
There is a funny idea I picked up at some point:
Put a guy on a mountain top with a really powerful telescope and then
make it more powerful and even more powerful until he sees further
into the depths of space than anyone has seen before. Then take a
woman(just to be gender equal) and give her a powerful microscope.
Maybe if they could find the right place to look they could stare into
each others eyes. (If this seems unfair give the woman a more and more
powerful microscope and just give the guy a moderately powerful
Now, as I write, I am aware much of this stuff is explained with math
and theories I don?t understand, but this is for fun so one of my
rules is that I have to be able to understand it. It has to be
expressed in words.
I keep hearing that all of the galaxies are rushing away from us and
each other. In short, the universe is expanding. This brings many
thoughts to mind:
We can prove Galaxies are rushing away from each other. Could we
consider things at an atomic level might be rushing away from each
other as well? If the things that make up atoms are rushing away from
each other would we be able to detect this? If at every level,
everything expands relative to everything else could we detect it?
Nothing can exceed the speed of light because the mass of the object
increases to infinity as the speed of light is approached. If the mass
of an object increases could it also be expanding in size? Could the
speed of light be related to the expansion of the universe?
Back to the movie, ?The Incredibles?. If we say everything is rushing
away from us, isn?t that the same as saying we are rushing away from
everything in the universe?
What is it like to be sucked into a black hole? I?ve read that maybe
everything gathers in a big super heated clump in the center or maybe
everything spews out in another place. What if the matter just
collapses at the atomic level, sub atomic level and below? What if
there is no such thing as matter but just the forces that hold matter
together. Why couldn?t the matter in a black hole collapse
indefinitely? Isn?t there some logic in thinking the universe is
mostly space with planets and suns occupying a small part----Soooo
matter is made of atoms which are mostly made up of space and so on
and so on?
Dr. Strait seemed to suggest to me that light could be defined as
something that travels at the speed of light. That would be a handy
way of making it?s speed constant.
If everything is rushing outward or inward wouldn?t all objects want
to travel in a straight line? Wouldn?t that be a good reason for
objects to travel in a straight line?
Sometimes on cold days I am too lazy to scrape the windshield of my
car. I press the little button and squirt fluid on the windshield. The
windshield wipers clear all but a thin film of liquid from the window.
The fluid starts to freeze. From different points on the windshield
crystals spread in circles towards each other. If I made the surface
of one of those circles my own frame of reference it would seem like
the two ice circles were being pulled together by some invisible
If all matter was expanding just as we know the universe is expanding,
it would appear some invisible force was attracting all objects with
mass together.
The only problem I?m having with all of this is if there is no matter
because everything is made up of space between things and if there is
no cosmic ?grid? and there really is no difference between going
straight or curving, I wonder if that leaves anything at all.
This is getting too long and I wonder if anyone will read it or if it
will make sense to anyone. The ideas are slowing down and I have to
get back to work. So to finish I guess my questions are this: Does
anyone know why it has to be just the universe that is expanding? Why
can?t all of the matter in the universe be expanding as well? Could
our position in the universe be described as traveling away from
everything rather than everything traveling away from us?
See ya. |