Clarification of Question by
06 Dec 2005 09:02 PST
Steps to create an indexed png, are,... (using gimp) open gimp, File >
New > OK then Image > Mode > Indexed. Open the color map by selecting
Dialogs > Color Map. I can add all up to 256 colors, by simply adding
the colors and changing the indexes. I want all my fill colors to be
white, but have different indexes. However, If you take my
theoretical square drawn in black with the pencil tool, divided in to
halves, and try to fill one side with White, index 3 and the other
side with White, index 4 (from the colormap) then use the
eyedropper-color picker, you will see both halves have a white value
of index 0. Again, to make my picture like the usa.png example in the
tutorial above, each enclosed area should be white, but have different
indexes for use in a php/graphical script. So, to clarify, I need to
know how to get each half of a square with a line through the middle
be white with different inex values. How do I do this?