Clarification of Answer by
01 Sep 2002 04:14 PDT
From my understanding there's nothing actually physically blocked.
Since the Bundle Branches are part of the nervous system it's probably
better to think of them along the lines of wires than tubes.
I've actually found something on a page about various types of
Basically it introduces three categories of blockage (quite near the
bottom if you wish to read the original text).
An incomplete block, also called "intraventricular conduction defect" or
IVCD, means the electrical pulse travels too slowly down the Bundle
A hemiblock, or fascicular block, is where the signal travels normally
but a delay occurs at the actual compression of muscle.
Finally a third degree block (sorry, couldn't find any other names for
this one,) is where the Bundle Branch doesn't manage to induce a
compression at all.
Therefore a Bundle Block is more like an electrical resistor that is
either affecting the electrical pulses or maybe even stopping them all
together. Given that when people commonly talk about a blockage in the
heart it's often something like cholesterol blocking an artery it's
actually a slightly ambiguous term in some respects.
As for the cause of the problem it seems to be more a case of luck than
anything else. It can be a symptom of a more serious heart condition so
aggressive screening is wise, and make sure you tell the doctor about
any family history that may be relevant.
However it does seem that it can just be "one of those things". Like
most heart conditions there may be a genetic link, or it can just
happen. Due to the links with other heart conditions all the major
heart dangers like fat and smoking could ultimately be responsible.
Although for a Bundle Block on it's own stress would seem most likely
out of those, if indeed it was caused by outside influences, as the
Bundle Branch is part of the nervous system.
The best advice I've come across has been to undergo aggressive
screening for other heart conditions; consider getting a random check-up
more often (and always mention the condition). You have an adavntage
over a lot of people with Bundle Blocks in that you kow you've got it.
It shouldn't make any difference at all, but it's probably a good
reminder to do all things we should to look after our hearts that most
of us ignore.