No such file exists on the internet, at least written
by Lucy or L Rowlands, according to this specialized
Google search, which returns only PDF files as results:
"Security in VoIP - Telephony Systems" filetype:pdf
As you will see from following that link, there are
only 5 results for this search.
Three of these are the same document, located on different
sites, and two other unique files all CITE the document by
the name you specified. The citations are as follows:
J. Thalhammer, "Security in VoIP-Telephony Systems".
Master Thesis, Institute for Applied Information Processing
and Communications, Graz U. of Technology
J. Thalhammer, Security in VoIP-Telephony Systems,
master's thesis, Graz Univ. of Technology, 2002.
Johann Thalhammer . "Security in VoIP Telephony Systems."
(7 July 2003)
The link above is working, and you can download the
PDF file from there by right-clicking the link and
selecting 'Save Target As'.
A search of that document indicates that the name Rowland
is not contained within it.
Additionally, a search for Lucy or L Rowlands in conjunction
with the term VoIP turns up only 4 results in which the name
Rowlands is disconnected from, and unrelated to, L or Lucy,
and is equally unrelated to VoIP on those pages:
"Lucy OR L Rowlands" VoIP
All of this would lead me to suspect that Johann Thalhammer's
Master Thesis had been plagiarized, if someone named L Rowlands
has placed their name on it.
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