Hello, dseth98-ga!
In most cases - no. The following references should help!
From "Brain and Spinal Tumors: Frequently Asked Questions," by Timothy
Ryken, MD. Department of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa Hospitals
and Clinics. Last Revised: March 2004.
Are brain tumors hereditary?
"The simple answer is no. However, there are certain hereditary
diseases that pre-dispose families to selected tumor types. For
example: Neurofibromatosis is a hereditary disease with an increase in
tumors of the cranial nerves, such as acoustic neuromas."
From The Brain Tumor Society.
Are brain tumors hereditary?
"There are some brain tumors that are hereditary but the majority are
not. As of yet, there aren?t any known causes for brain tumors.
Research is being conducted to further prove any hereditary links.
Certain diseases like neurofibromatosis predispose people to brain
tumors of the cranial nerves, such as an acoustic neuroma tumor. With
metastatic brain tumors, the original, or primary, cancer may be
hereditary, but the actual spread of the tumor to the brain is not."
From "Glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic gliomas: A patient
guide," by John W. Henson, M.D., MGH Brain Tumor Center. Brain Tumor
Are brain tumors hereditary?
"The use of the word ?gene? invariably brings up the important
question of whether brain tumors are hereditary. The answer for almost
all patients is no. Although there are conditions in which brain
tumors can occur in families, these syndromes are very rare and
usually known prior to the development of an individual family
member?s tumor. Syndromes that include an inherited risk of glial
brain tumors include neurofibromatosis type I, Turcot?s syndrome, and
Li-Fraumeni syndrome."
Some brain tumors are "associated" with hereditary disorders.
From "WHO GETS BRAIN TUMORS?" University of Maryland Medical Center
"About 5% of primary brain tumors are associated with hereditary
disorders. They include the following:
Li-Fraumeni cancer family syndrome.
Tuberous sclerosis.
Von Recklinghausen?s disease (neurofibromatosis).
Von Hippel Lindau disease.
Familial polyposis (Turcot's syndrome).
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome.
I hope these references are helpful!
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