Hello Sim24,
I have found scant anecdotal evidence of heartburn/GERD/acid reflux
causing irregular heartbeat. I found more evidence that heartburn
medicines themselves may cause irregular heartbeat. If you are
experiencing repeated bouts of irregular heartbeat, you need to make a
visit to your doctor, to rule out any serious problems.
Be aware that stress can induce irregular heartbeat AND heartburn and
excess stomach acid. So can caffeine, found in tea, coffee and
?Regarding the irregular heart beat - it may be possible that GERD may
exacerbate palpitations. For further evaluation, you can consider an
echocardiogram or perhaps an event/Holter monitor to further evaluate
the symptoms.?
?There may be a connections between gastric reflux and irregular heart beats?
Some people experience a rapid heartbeat after a large carbohydrate
rich meal. This is also when people usually experience acid
?Heartburn, defined as a retrosternal burning sensation radiating to
the pharynx, and acid regurgitation, referring to effortless return of
acid gastric contents to the pharynx, are classic symptoms of GERD.
They usually occur postprandially, especially after large meals.?
?Acid Blockers. These medicines relieve heartburn, acid indigestion
and sour stomach, and are available without a prescription. Pepcid AC,
Tagamet HB, Zantac 75, Axid AR and Prilosec OTC are examples of
over-the-counter acid blockers. Acid blockers work by reducing the
production of stomach acid. Take these medications according to the
directions on the package, or as advised by your doctor. Possible
serious side effects that need to be reported to your doctor right
away include confusion, chest tightness, bleeding, sore throat, fever,
irregular heartbeat, weakness and unusual fatigue. Other less serious
side effects include mild headache, dizziness and diarrhea, which are
usually temporary and will likely go away on their own.?
?Cisapride (Propulsid) can cause life threatening cardiac arrhythmias?
?The most common symptom is substernal burning (heartburn), most often
after meals or on reclining. Atypical chest pain, which must be
differentiated from cardiac pain, can also occur. Esophagitis occurs
when the caustic gastric contents remain in contact with the
esophageal mucosa long enough to overcome esophageal defense and
tissue resistance. Other common symptoms include regurgitation, which
causes a bitter or sour taste, and water brash (salivary secretions
thought to be stimulated by acid reflux) due to increased salivary
secretion. Nonesophageal symptoms can result from mucosal injury of
the oropharynx, larynx, or respiratory tract. Oropharyngeal irritation
can cause sore throat, earaches, gingivitis, poor dentition, and
globus sensation. Laryngeal or respiratory irritation can cause
hoarseness, wheezing, bronchitis, asthma, and aspiration pneumonia.
Symptoms may be worsened by eating large meals, consuming foods and
beverages high in fat or caffeine, using tobacco and alcohol,
reclining after eating, and gaining weight.?
?What Does Heartburn Feel Like?
? A burning feeling in the chest just behind the breastbone that
occurs after eating and lasts a few minutes to several hours.
? Chest pain, especially after bending over, lying down or eating.
? Burning in the throat -- or hot, sour, acidic, or salty-tasting
fluid at the back of the throat.
? Difficulty swallowing.
? Feeling of food "sticking" in the middle of the chest or throat.
?Other symptoms that may be caused by GERD are atypical chest pain,
hoarseness, nausea, cough, odynophagia and asthma.11 Symptoms that may
indicate a more serious problem, such as chest pain (possible cardiac
causes), dysphagia, odynophagia and weight loss (possible esophageal
stricture or cancer), require more extensive investigation before the
diagnosis of GERD can be established.?
?Arrhythmias can also be caused by some substances or drugs. These
include beta blockers, psychotropics, sympathomimetics, caffeine,
amphetamines, and cocaine. Sometimes antiarrhythmic medications --
prescribed to treat one type of arrhythmia -- can actually cause
another type of arrhythmia.?
About arrythmias
I hope this has helped! Please request an Answer Clarification if any
part of my answer is unclear. I will be happy to assist you further,
before you rate this answer.
Sincerely, Crabcakes
Search Terms
GERD +arrhythmias
heartburn + arrhythmias
Irregular heartbeat + acid reflux
Irregular heartbeat + gastric hyperacidity |