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Q: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   10 Comments )
Subject: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: nkamom-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 14 Dec 2005 14:34 PST
Expires: 13 Jan 2006 14:34 PST
Question ID: 605907
I am looking for clip art of a cartoonish doctor (preferably with a
beard) holding tweezers and a small girl child looking suprised - they
can be separate pictures.  Today my doctor extracted a number of small
pompoms from my 2-year-old's nose, and I would like to make him a
personalized thank you card.
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 15 Dec 2005 11:02 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Here you go! I think this will make a very cute card, and the doctor
is sure to be surprised. Possibly not as surprised as he was when he
found that your daughter was storing pompoms in her nose, but
nevertheless surprised. :-D

nkamom-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $3.00
Perfect!  Thanks. Go team!

Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Dec 2005 15:02 PST
Here's a bearded doc with tweezers for you:
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Dec 2005 15:21 PST
And here's the tweezer-wielding doctor with a little girl:
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Dec 2005 15:28 PST
I am still thinking about those nasal pompoms.

Were there any little bitty cheerleaders up there? :-D
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: nkamom-ga on 14 Dec 2005 18:30 PST
Hey Pinkfreud - the funny thing was we thought there was only one.  He
pulled it out and looked and another one and another one...  It was
like a magic trick.  I was laughing so hard.  Thanks for the pics.  My
doc is not bald, but I can easily put hair on him.  Sis boom bah!
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Dec 2005 19:02 PST
I'll be glad to keep working on the picture until it's just right. Let
me know what changes you need. More hair on his head is no problem.
What about hair color, for both the doctor and the little girl?
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: nkamom-ga on 14 Dec 2005 19:25 PST
Well, ok, since you offered, my Doctor is roughly 40 years old.  He
has light brown hair - like the color of carmel and has just grown a
beard, so it is not quite as bushy as the one you have - full head of
short hair- regular guy cut.  The girl you have is satisfactory - if
you feel like working it, my kid was actually lying down on the
examining table.  She has medium brown hair.  You probably would want
to skip the nurse holding her down as she screamed bloody murder.  And
since I know you will appreciate it, the card is going to have him
saying "For my next trick, I will pull four pompoms out of Katie's
nose" and across the bottom it will say "John Smith - Pediatrician AND
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Dec 2005 20:15 PST
All righty, I've given the doc more coiffure and less beard, with a
caramel-ish hair color. The little girl now has brown hair. I fiddled
around with the little girl lying down, but I don't think I could get
that right without starting all over again. She's just too stiff and
cartoony to lie down very well, I guess.
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: cynthia-ga on 14 Dec 2005 20:24 PST
Thius is the cutest thread I've seen here in a L O N G time!

Great work Pink!
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: nkamom-ga on 15 Dec 2005 04:03 PST
I love it Pink! just one more request if you don't mind - shouldn't be
too hard.  I think it needs a little more color - could you make the
girl's overalls and hair ribbons blue? Please let me know if I've
asked too much.  You do great work!
Subject: Re: Seeking clip art of doctor with tweezers and little girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 15 Dec 2005 12:08 PST

Thank you for the five stars and the tip! 


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