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Real estate
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: pbryant70-ga List Price: $200.00 |
14 Dec 2005 21:41 PST
Expires: 13 Jan 2006 21:41 PST Question ID: 606060 |
every property owner on every lake in South Carolina with their address and phone numbers and the amount of land they own (waterfront only) |
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Re: Real estate
From: cynthia-ga on 14 Dec 2005 23:24 PST |
pbryant70, State records only list addresses of property owners. So, after we find every lake in the state, which is hundreds, we have to search for every parcel number, create a spreadsheet and finally, locate every phone number? Impossible as you have asked it. Even if a Researcher was to get all the information possible, this question would take an incredible amount of time. I estimate that a consultant or research company would charge in excess of $10,000.00 for this information. That's an FYI... |
Re: Real estate
From: cynthia-ga on 15 Dec 2005 01:15 PST |
To give you an example of just how daunting this task is, I went to the State web site to locate a list of all the counties --which would have real property records: South Carolina Counties http://www.sccounties.org/counties/counties.htm FOr each county, one would have to locate the county real property records, and believe me, they don't all use the same names or mapping system. Oconee County http://www.oconeesc.com/ Check this out: Oconee County, Recorder's Index Advanced Search Page http://www.oconeesc.com/resolution/indexing/idx_advanced_name_search.asp MAIN PAGE: http://www.oconeesc.com/resolution/default.asp Then, after determining (concurrently), which of the hundreds of lakes are IN that county, one would have to somehow determine for this (and every) county exactly HOW this information could be extracted. Find parcel numbers for each lot that touches water, in each county for every lake. --Note there is no way to tell from the search page what addresses or named property owners own land that touch water. Check this out: South Carolina Large Lakes http://www.southcarolinalakes.net/lglakesmap.htm ..."The size of these major lakes range from 7,000 acres to 110,000 acres. The largest lake in South Carolina is Lake Marion which is a Santee Cooper lake. There are major lakes within driving distance to just about any major city or town in the state. ..." There are tens of thousands of properties that border these largest lakes alone, not even getting into the smaller ones. You didn't even mention rivers, and I am afraid to ask, but I'll tell you there are several major rivers as well. Did you click on that state link above and see how many counties there are? Look again. I am a PRO at city, county, and state records of any kind, in any state of the US. This is one of my areas of searching expertise. This project is simply NOT do-able. You need to call a consulting firm and be prepared to shell out 5 figures. What you have paid for here is 50 cents to learn that you are not going to get this cheap. Sorry, I just want you to understand what you are asking. We are researchers, but we don't perform miracles. What you have paid for here is 50 cents to learn that you are not going to get this for free, OR $200.00, even with the maximum tip of $200.00, not a chance. |
Re: Real estate
From: myoarin-ga on 15 Dec 2005 04:23 PST |
Pbryant70, Quite often questioners come here with the simply expressed question about "all" of something, but then settle for a much more limited number that satisfies their actual, practical need. (e.g., who needs "all" the gaydating websites, 50 or 100 will do.) Perhaps this is also applicable to your question, i.e., maybe you can limited it to named lakes and forego the telephone numbers, which can easily be found on the web (not too tedious if they are in one area). IF this would be a solution for you, posting individual questions for each lake or those in one county might get a better response, since a Researcher would not have to provide information for all the lakes to post a complete answer. Good luck, Myoarin |
Re: Real estate
From: cynthia-ga on 15 Dec 2005 11:24 PST |
Thanks myoarin, I was too shocked by the request to think about mentioning that. But even a single county that had as little as 20 miles of shoreline would be a daunting task. Many times phone numbers are NOT available. I work for my brother in the Real Estate industry, I farm for raw land in which my brother eventually gets listings on. I search public records for this type of thing on a daily basis. For instance, my brother finds raw land and gets the seller together with the developer, and a new subdivision is born. After public meetings and such, utilities and roads are installed, then I find nearby land on which my brother may wish to place directional "plat signs" like this: NEW DEVELOPMENT FOXGLOVE MEADOWS PRESALES AVAILABLE PRICED MID $500's TURN RIGHT 100 FT OR CALL: XYZ REALTOR (425) 555-1234 I usually get 15-20 possibilities for him, 4-5 across from the plat, 6-7 from each of the 2 nearest major highways. I am only able to track down the phone numbers of about half the folks, --if my brother can't get permission to place signs on one of those, a lttter to the remaining landowners is next, or, find the second roung of possibilities. My point is that it takes about 3-4 hours to locate the exact records that the asker wants for these signs. --For about 15-20 names. And I don't have to deal with finding lakes, determining which county they are in. After I slept on it, it occurred to me how this could be done --a BIT easier, but I'm not giving away any trade real estate searching secrets for free. It would still be an incredible amount of work, but would be a way to view lakes and parcel numbers at the same time. If I was to do this alone, it would take several months. One county per qiestion is still a daunting task. I live in King County Washington, there are several hundred lakes. One lake alone (Lake Washington) is 23 miles long with several hundred homes, if not over a thousand homes that border the lake itself. One lake. And there are hundreds of lakes in my county. Anyway, thanks again myoarin, I should have mentioned that. |
Re: Real estate
From: pafalafa-ga on 15 Dec 2005 11:48 PST |
You might also want to mention that, according to policy, Google Answers doesn't provide information on private individuals. |
Re: Real estate
From: myoarin-ga on 15 Dec 2005 16:22 PST |
Oh well, just me trying be helpful. Thanks, Cynthia, for the long, informative comment; at least I learned something. I keep wondering why PBryant could want all those lakefront owners, but that's his/her business. And, of course, Paf is right. Take care, Myoarin |
Re: Real estate
From: cynthia-ga on 15 Dec 2005 17:35 PST |
LOL, --I missed it, totally, but pafalafa is indeed 100% correct, we are not allowed to provide contact information about private individuals. Gee paf, I could've saved a heart attack while extrapolating how to get all that information by the end of 2006, --by stating the obvious. |
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