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Damaged Tennant's Personal Property Texas by Unlicensed Plumber hired by Landlor
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: chrysse-ga List Price: $10.00 |
31 Aug 2002 19:51 PDT
Expires: 30 Sep 2002 19:51 PDT Question ID: 60615 |
Landlord hired an unlicensed repairman, a friend, to replace an attic hot water heater. The friend sent two employees that were unlicensed and without a building permit. The employees dropped the hot water heater from the attic and did property damage to the home and damage to personal property of the tennant. The landlord will not mediate, nor negotiate for compensation. The employer does not have a bonded company. The employer will not accept monetary responsibility for the .$3,000.00 damaged antiques of the tennants. After a notice for inspection sent by tennant, neither the landlord, nor the employer came on the designated date, nor called to arrange a different time. Whom do I take to small claims court, the landlord who hired the friend, the employer who sent the two employees, or both. Crystal Papillon | |
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Re: Damaged Tennant's Personal Property Texas by Unlicensed Plumber hired by Landlor
Answered By: mother-ga on 01 Sep 2002 14:49 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello Crystal, and thank you for your question. What a frustrating position to find yourself in. How sad it is that your landlord could not be bothered to hire bonded and insured professionals for rental property repairs. *DISCLAIMER* Of course, this cannot replace advice received from a qualified legal representative. See "Additional Resources" below for contacts. Most Texas leases, from the Texas Apartment Association (TAA) or the Texas Association of Realtors (TAR) will have wording similar to: "The owner shall not be liable for any damages or losses to person or property caused by other residents or persons. Owner is not liable for personal injury or damage or loss of resident's personal property, furniture, jewelry, clothing, etc. from theft, vandalism, fire, water, rain, storm, smoke, explosions, sonic booms, or causes whatsoever unless the same is due to the negligence of owner or owner's representative." http://www.texastenant.org/tenant.html#anchor223491 It is my opinion (see disclaimer above) that your landlord is responsible for your personal property damage, because the damage is due to the landlord's negligence. The repair company, if not bonded and insured, is the landlord's representative, or guest, on the property and therefore the landlord is ultimately responsible for that guest's actions. So the short answer to your question is that you should file your complaint in small claims court with the landlord. Texas Tenants Rights (Texas Attorney General) http://www.tenant.net/Other_Areas/Texas/tenants.html Such a loss would have been covered by renter's insurance. If you have expensive property in a rented residence, low-cost renter's insurance can reimburse you for the fair market value or replacement cost of your belongings that are damaged due to a fire, water, or other damage such as you have experienced here. Texas Department of Insurance: Renters Insurance http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/consumer/cbo43.html Whether your property damage is a small claim or not, going to court should not be your first step. "Initiating a law suit should be considered as a last resort to be used only after all possibilities of negotiation have been exhausted." Counselling and mediation services exist to provide you and your landlord with low-cost alternatives to lawyers and courts. Should your case result in the need to file a court case, here is an excellent article to help you prepare. Going To Small Claims Court (Austin Tenant's Council) http://www.housing-rights.org/small_claims.html Additional resources: The Austin Tenants' Council (512-474-1961) Legal Aid of Central Texas (512-476-7244) The University of Texas Student Attorney (512-471-7796) The Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division (512-463-2070) The North Texas Tenants Council (214-828-4244) Texas Property Code: CHAPTER 92. RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/statutes/py/py0009200toc.html Texas Apartment Association: Need help? *click on your city* http://www.taa.org/renters/RentersHelp.php Texas Landlord Tenant Laws http://www.rentlaw.com/texaslandlordtenantlaw.htm Texas Tenants Advisor FAQ http://www.texashousing.org/TT/misc.html NOLO: Law for all http://nolo.com/index.cfm Search strategy: texas (negligent | negligence) landlord property damage texas "small claims" landlord tenant I hope you find this answer helpful, and that the situation is resolved to your satisfaction. If you require clarification of any part of this answer, please don't hesitate to ask. Regards, mother-ga |
rated this answer:![]() The answer was comprehensive and offered advice for several avenues. The statement that this was not offered by a qualified legal representative made it seem implausible. However, redemption was made by quoting the exact statutes, laws, and documents that were required to assess liability. Thanks Chrysse |
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Re: Damaged Tennant's Personal Property Texas by Unlicensed Plumber hired by Lan
From: expertlaw-ga on 01 Sep 2002 19:06 PDT |
The disclaimre is perhaps necessary, given your state's emphatic enforcement of its prohibition against the "unauthorized practice of law", but beyond that it would be difficult for a researcher to provide the same type of analysis that could be offered (perhaps even off-the-cuff) by a Texas attorney. What you describe is a basic "negligence" claim. A cause of action in negligence arises when one person has a duty to another, that duty is breached (typically through inadvertence or carelessness), and damages are caused which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the negligence conduct. A classic example is a car accident - the driver who causes the accident owes a duty to other drivers to conduct his car in a safe manner. It is foreseeable that negligent acts while driving can cause accidents and injuries. Thus, a person who causes a car accident and injures another driver is subject to being sued for his negligence. In the situation you describe, it is possible to argue negligence on the part of various actors: * The landlord was arguably negligent in selecting the "contractor" hired to perform the work. It is arguably reasonably foreseeable that when you hire an unlicensed contractor you will get substandard work, and that damage might be caused to the property of tenants. Please note that there are practical considerations that come into play when suing your landlord. For example, if you are a month-to-month tenant, or will soon be renewing your lease, your landlord may choose to end your tenancy. * The workers were negligent in their conduct, dropping the hot water heater. It is foreseeable that dropping a hot water heater will damage property on which it falls. The workers owed a duty to the landlord and tenant to perform their work in a safe and responsible manner, so as to protect their safety and property. Dropping the water heater breached that duty, caused damage, and creates liability. * The "contractor" was negligent in failing to provide adequate supervision (and possibly training) of his unlicensed, perhaps wholly unqualified, workers. The "contractor", as the employer of the workers, is also subject to the doctrine of "respondeat superior", a latin phrase meaning "let the master answer". When an employee, acting in the course and scope of his employment, negligently causes injury to a person or to property, the employer is typically "vicariously liable" for the employee's negligence under this doctrine. That means, even if the employer himself cannot be proved negligent, he remains fully liable for the damages caused by the negligent employee. (If you sue the "contractor", be sure to mention "respondeat superior" as a theory of his liability. You should also be sure to mention that he is unlicensed, and did not obtain a permit.) Your strongest case in negligence is most likely against the "contractor" and his workers. Please note, also, that in small claims court you will have to prove your damages. To prove damage to an antique, it will be necessary to have at the very least statements (preferably sworn) from qualified individuals attesting to the damages. If possible, you should consider having a live witness (perhaps an antique dealer) testify about your damages. Please note, also, that you should be as specific as possible in your legal claims, even in small claims court. Lawyers are used to seeing complaints broken down into numbered paragraphs, with some level of care taken to mention all of the elements of the stated civil cause of action. The following resources are more complicated than you need, but they may nonetheless be helpful: James Publishing provides a nice overview of legal pleadings on its website, in PDF format. Please note that pleadings in small claims court do not have to be as complicated as this (meant for lawyers filing complaints in a regular court) may suggest: http://www.jamespublishing.com/pdf/sf.pdf A sample of a complaint in negligence for an automobile accident (drafted for Tennessee) can be found on the Southwest Tennessee Community College website: http://faculty.stcc.cc.tn.us/waterst/2035/2035/complaint.htm Good luck, - expertlaw |
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