Whole Message Model (now termed : integrated message model) was
developed, along with many other models by Janet Beavin Bavelas. Janet
Beavin Bavelas is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the
University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3050, Victoria, BC V8W 3P5. E-mail:
She is also co-author to these two books, both of which appear to be
no longer in print.
Redefining language: Nonverbal linguistic acts in face-to-face dialogue
Equivocal Communication (SAGE Series in Interpersonal Communication) (Hardcover)
Book Description
From the Book Description : "The authors bring together and illuminate
several independent lines of contemporary communication research
dealing with ambiguous communication: lying and deception; indirect
speech acts; strategic ambiguity; devious messages; and contradictory
verbal and noverbal messages. They show how equivocal communication
can be effective communication and challenge several widely held
beliefs about the nature of deceptive messages; they also place the
driving force for equivocal messages in the situation rather than in
the person."
Another book she co-authored which is in print
Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns,
Pathologies, and Paradoxes
I did find this article in the Canadan Journal of Communication
Using Face-to-face Dialogue as a Standard for Other Communication Systems
This article she is a referance on
The components of conversational facial expressions
This is Dr. Janet B. Bavelas website
On her website are links to her current projects.
You can see a Video stream (RealPlayer) of this model on
Other papers of interest
Communication Theroy
Michael A. Gilbert, Coalescent Argumentation. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1997.
thanks, and happy holidays
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