Hi Sarah,
Thank you for your clarification request for me to post the answer.
You have asked a very interesting question!
pinto - a spotted or calico horse or pony
Spanish mustangs come in a variety of colours including black, bay,
brown, chestnut, dun, buckskin, palomino, cream and pinto (including
tobiano, overo and calico types).
Other solid colors such as the lilac dun colors, and even silver
dapple, occur rarely. In many horses these base colors are combined
with white hairs or patches to result in gray, roan, paint (tobiano,
overo, and calico types),
If you use them on Charolais, Limousine, Simmental, Hereford and Long
Horn, the calves may come out white, reddish or "tiger strip"; and
even an occasional calico color;
Like other animals, but unlike cats, both male and female calico
llamas occur. Calico is not sex-linked in llamas.
A mutant "arctic marble" was born in a silver fox litter at Sverre
Omber?s farm in Norway in 1945. When a red or silver fox gene is added
to a marble fox, the mix is calico patterns in red, brown, black and
Best regards,
tlspiegel |