Hello Spacehog351,
I have gathered statistics and studies regarding gender related
vehicle accident rates and risky driving behavior. I am providing
brief excerpts, however I suggest you read each document in its
entirety by clicking on the link below each excerpt.
Are Women Taking More Risks While Driving? A Look at Michigan Drivers
Download this publication for gender-related statistics.
Gender-related differences have also been observed in motor-vehicle
crash involvement rates.
See table 1, page 4
Driver of Striking Vehicle in Rear End Crash by Age and Gender
Michigan 1987 and 1994
See table 2, page 5
Differences in Rate per 1,000 Licensed Drivers in Rear-End Crash
Striking Vehicle by Age and
Gender in Michigan 1987 ? 1994
?If rear-end crashes can be assumed to be a consequence of following
too closely, these findings
support those of the headway study in that younger drivers more than
older drivers and males more than females engage in this particular
risky driving behavior.?
?Traveling at excessive speeds can also be considered as a measure of
drivers willingness to expose
themselves to the risk of crash. In 1984, Wasielewski published an
analysis of speeding as a measure
of driver risk.?
?Wasielewski found a statistically significant decline in travel
speeds with age and noted that women
were less likely than men to be among the drivers at very high or very
low speeds. Analysis of
driving records showed that drivers with the fastest driving speeds
were more likely than others to
have crashes or violations on their driving records.?
See table 3, page 6
?It shows the frequency of occurrence and the incidence rate per 1,000
licensed drivers of these crashes by gender and age. The table shows
clearly that younger drivers were more likely than older drivers to be
speeding before a collision. Overall, men were about twice as likely
as women to be speeding before a collision?.
See table 5, page 7
Percentage Distribution of Self-Reported Speeds on Michigan Rural
Freeways (Speed Limit 65 MPH)
by Gender and Age in 1995
Safety belts are designed specifically for reducing death and injuries
from traffic crashes. They are
only effective, however, if they are used. A lack of safety belt use
has been shown to be positively
correlated with high risk driving behavior.
See figure 2, page 8
?It shows the overall safety belt use rates by survey year and gender
across all age groups, as determined by direct-observation.?
?This figure shows clearly that safety belt use among women has been
consistently higher than men in every survey year.?
Download here.
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway
Administration http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/womens/chap26.pdf
According to a study from Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and Public
Health female drivers are involved in slightly more crashes than men.
?Although men are three times more likely than women to be killed in
car crashes, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and
Public Health have found that, when the total numbers of crashes are
considered, female drivers are involved in slightly more crashes than
men. Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles
driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on
average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women.
The investigators, who published their results in the July issue of
Epidemiology, found that although teenage boys started off badly, with
about 20 percent more crashes per mile driven than teenage girls,
males and females between ages 20 and 35 were equally at risk of being
involved in a crash, and after age 35 female drivers were at greater
risk of a crash than their male counterparts.?
Women behind the wheel: Statistical overview of road crash involvement (1998)
This report forms part of a series published by the Federal Office of
Road Safety (FORS) on women and road safety. It presents national road
crash statistics for women, and in particular, women drivers involved
in fatal crashes and crashes resulting in hospitalization.
For reasons of copyright, I cannot reproduce the material here,
however you can download the complete document here:
Female Drivers
Women behind the wheel: mid-age drivers
This monograph focuses on mid-age driver behavior.
Download here:
Women behind the wheel: young drivers
This monograph focuses on young driver behavior.
Download here:
Women are generally considered better risks on the road than men.
?In 2002, for example, the National Safety Council (NSC) reported 50.1
percent of licensed drivers were males. They also accounted for 62
percent of the actual miles driven. In that same year, male drivers
were involved in 38,900 fatal crashes, while female drivers were
involved in 13,800 fatal crashes. Thus, women are generally considered
better risks on the road than men. It should be said that this gap is
beginning to narrow. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
reportedly has said that between 1975 and 2002, females deaths in
motor vehicle crashes rose 14 percent while male deaths declined 10
Cleveland.com: December 03, 2005
Gender and Auto Insurance
?Males under the age of 30 are charged higher rates than females
because they are involved in more accidents per mile than any other
Source: The Washington State Office of the Attorney General
?Statistics show that men are more likely to speed and gets into car
accidents are usually charged a higher premium.?
?According to annual police reports, men's accident involvement per
100 licensed drivers is about twice women's in each age group.?
Automobile Insurance Pricing: Operating Cost versus Ownership Cost;
the Implications for Women
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration
Who?s a better driver, a man or a woman?
?That question, discussed and argued for many years, was the subject
of a survey conducted by Prince Market Research (PMR) on behalf of
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. as part of Firestone?s Centennial
When asked, who drives more safely, men or women, a little more than
half (56%) of the total survey respondents said women drive more
safely. Further results show each gender believing they drive safer
than the opposite sex. Approximately three-quarters (76%) of the women
interviewed said they are safer drivers, while more than two-thirds
(69%) of the men surveyed believe they are the safer drivers.?
?53% of the women surveyed said they occasionally exceed the speed
limit, while 60% of the men said that they did.?
Driving Trends: Men And Women Behind The Wheel
Courtesy Of The Car Care Council
Men are more likely to drive while intoxicated, not use a seatbelt,
and exceed the speed limit.
? For example, Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) national data
from 1982 to 1995 revealed that male drivers involved in fatal crashes
were almost twice as likely as females to be intoxicated (21.8 percent
compared to 11.2 percent respectively). Use of seatbelts differs in
percent Alabama by sex. According to the Alabama Department of Public
Health?s 1997 Alabama Behavioral Risk Factor Survey data, an estimated
56.3 percent of males compared to 74.7 percent of females reported
that they always used seatbelts. All these behaviors lead to
disproportionate accident rates between men and women.?
Alabama Health Statistics and Surveillanc
Gender Issues
?Gender differences also play an important role in driving practices.
Young males are more likely to overestimate their driving ability
(Gregersen & Bjurulf, 1996), and this overconfidence has been shown to
be correlated with increased risk-taking behavior involvement in
accidents and violations (Elander, West, & French, 1993).?
?In the California Highway Patrol (2000) report, 317 males between the
ages of 16-19 died in car crashes in California as compared to 155
females; 64% of the males were at fault, and 62% of the females. The
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (2001) reported that in the
year 2000 in the United States, two out of every three teenagers
killed in car accidents were male.?
?Males were more likely to report higher levels of confidence in their
future ability to drive than did females? Significant gender
differences were also found in terms of considering a risky behavior
as dangerous. Out of the six reported dangerous behaviors they were
asked to rate, four of them showed significant gender differences
(speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, slow driving), with
females rating the behavior as more dangerous in each case.?
Adolescence, Winter, 2004
From the School of Population Health, Mayne Medical School, University
of Queensland:
Age and gender differences in risk-taking behavior as an explanation
for high incidence of motor vehicle crashes as a driver in young
Read the abstract here:
Crash data from two UK resources were examined for differences between
male and female passenger car drivers in collision circumstances and
injury outcomes.
?The proportion of female car license holders is growing, women are
more likely to be the driver in a collision and are more vulnerable to
injury particularly neck strain. Women drive smaller, lighter cars
compared to men and are more often the driver of the smaller vehicle
in a multivehicle collision.?
Vehicle Safety Research Centre, Loughborough University, UK.
Search criteria:
study statistics male OR men women OR female better drivers miles percent
study statistics male OR men women OR female better drivers miles driven
per-mile accident rates by gender
risk rates per mile gender
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |