Problem scenario - need response ASAP.
Jacksin?s Corp. produces four different lines of industrial grade
electro-mechanical products for commercial-industrial customers
world-wide. Each product order (or ?unit?) of production receives a
certain degree of customization, and the contract engineering is
accomplished by a local office staff of engineers and planners.
Jackson?s production facilities are divided into two plants. Plant 1
accomplishes metal working and metal finishing operations. Plant 2
accomplishes electrical sub-assembly, final assembly, pack and ship
operations. The company markets its products over the internet, and
advertises a fixed 4-week lead time for any product offering. All
products are shipped over ground, or by premium air-freight. Premium
shipping is paid by Jackson Corp. if contracts go overdue. Jackson
releases a weekly work schedule to its factory on Thursday prior to
the upcoming production week. The order of operations is
{Office-contract engineering} ? {Plant 1 metal fab and finish} ?
{Plant 2-electircal assembly, final assembly, pack and ship}. Jackson
unit revenue is $35,000 on average, and unit profit margin at current
overhead rates is $3,350. Premium air freight for these products
averages $5,450 per unit.
A quick look at the lower table of given data shows that in most weeks
of a recent quarter, Jackson missed many of its shipping commitments.
In week 1, there was a carry-forward of 22 overdue units from the last
week of the previous quarter.
The general manager feels that he has an absenteeism problem, and
therefore data is provided that shows the number of man-days of
unscheduled leave / unauthorized absence that was recorded in each
plant and in the office each week of the same quarter. The manning for
the quarter in each plant and the office is as shown (Full time
equivalents, FTEs).
At minimum, you must explain to the client the following:
-how the problem will be completely investigated (the ?how to
investigate? should be validated)
-methods that will be used to assure reliability of results and recommendations
What is the random variable? Which Non-parametric method and why?
Note: office labor is ahead of the factory labor. Construct a
new spreadsheet and line up the office labor with the right factory
Use data to gain advance notice of future missed shipments.
What is relationship of absenteeism to missed/late shipments?
Man-days absent
Week Plant 1 Plant 2 Office Full-time Equivalent Personnel (FTEs)
1 10 21 6 Plant 1 554
2 131 46 2 Plant 2 448
3 53 33 5 Office 154
4 37 31 11
5 59 49 12
6 29 33 6
7 45 39 15
8 26 19 8
9 39 12 4
10 36 35 9
11 41 28 11
12 49 16 15
13 32 22 12
Weekly Work Schedule Vs Actual Shipments
Week WWS SHIPPED #Ahead (Behind)
1 340 350 -12
2 449 400 -61
3 388 402 -47
4 370 422 5
5 400 402 7
6 398 403 12
7 421 380 -29
8 388 417 0
9 401 399 -2
10 378 380 0
11 392 403 11
12 402 280 -111
13 387 350 -148
Provide full details and explanation with all calculations. |