How do I create a DSNless connection to a database?
The following article explains how to create a DSNless connection to a
database. DNSless connections are direct connections to a database
that do not require a ColdFusion Administrator to make specific
configurations. A DSNless connection can be used to connect to any
type of database, including Microsoft SQL and Microsoft Access.
To create a DSNless connection, add the following snippet of code
within your application.cfm page or to each individual page that
should connect to a database:
classLoader = createObject("java", "java.lang.Class");
dm = createObject("java","java.sql.DriverManager");
con = dm.getConnection(connection string);
st = con.createStatement();
rs = st.ExecuteQuery("Select * FROM table");
q = createObject("java", "coldfusion.sql.QueryTable").init(rs);
The connectionstring will depend on the type of connecting database.
The following are two common connectionstring examples:
Microsoft SQL
"jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server};Database="dbname";Server=;",
"login", "password"
Microsoft Access
"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
Note: If you use either of the above examples, you will need to change
the information to refer to your database. |