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Well, this is what Google says with the search: define:octology
No definitions were found for octology.
- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Search the Web for documents that contain "octology"
Being a trusting servant of Google, I did the latter and found this site:
"If Astrology is the forecast of man, then Octology is the forecast of the gods.
Octology is an advanced system of forecasting the future. Based on
your full name and birth date, Octology will project 15 specific
predictions that could occur in your life within the next three years.
If you are a believer in the ancient art of Astrology, you may be
astounded by the incredible forecasts of Octology. Your Octology
reading could:
* Project the important events that may occur in your life over
the next three years.
* Reveal the negative events so you can prepare for the pitfalls,
or avoid them altogether.
* Guide you toward the "true" path, enabling you to enjoy the
fruits of life, the joys of life once again."
Then I looked further:
"octology: A numerological theory which has scriptural, logic and
metaphisical arguments at its basis. The essence of that theory is
based on the fact that 8 is the light, the perfect number, and even
more than that. OCTO=8 in latin
LOGOS=science,word(greek) so from here is deriving-octology.
Example: Octology considers that mankind must to return to peace, by
stoping wars, and loving all, by transforming evil in good, 7 in 8."
At that point, I remembered that in confirmation class I was told not
to believe in astrology, and also that when I once read a Chinese
horoscope, it could have been interpreted as predicting my later
(polite) firing.
So I looked further and found this site:
(Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2000.02.36)
Does that help? This is just a free comment, not an "answer" to your question. |