I would like a list of all consumer products and services where:
1) The product or service has annual sales of at least $5 billion dollars.
2) A minimum of 2 million Americans use, consume or purchase the
product or service.
Good Example: Dog services and products. Over 60 million people
spend over $40 billion annually.
Bad Example: The yacht industry does $5 Billion in annual sales but
only has 100,000 customers.
I do not need a breakdown of actual dollars spent or the actual number
of consumers. I only want a list of the actual products that fit these
parameters. |
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Dec 2005 07:45 PST
You ask some tough questions!
There are so many different ways to categorize "consumer products and
services" that it's hard to know quite where to begin.
One thing that comes to mind, is to make use of official US government
categories for goods and services. For instance, have a look at this
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
which breaks out how the country spent more than $886 billion on
lawyers, architects, accountants and such.
There are dozens of categories here with receipts of $5 billion or
more, such as these examples:
Lawyers -- $172.8 billion
Interior Design Services -- $7.0 billion
Graphic Design Services -- $8.1 billion
The same type of data is available on retail stores, such as:
Radio, television, & other electronics stores -- $48.5 billion
Hardware stores -- $16.6 billion
and so on.
Missing here, of course, is the number of people that actually
purchase such goods or services, though for the most part, common
sense dictates that a heck of a lot more people frequent hardware
stores than hire interior decorators.
Does any of this information look promising? If so, I can show you
how to make use of it yourself to browse for relevant information.
Or, I can extract some information for you, if we can reach common
ground on what sort of information makes sense to provide as an answer
to your question.
Let me know what you think.
Clarification of Question by
22 Dec 2005 08:49 PST
What I'm looking for are smaller, but not too small, niche industries
for direct marketing. Pets would be a huge category but it would have
niches such as dogs, cats, fishe, etc that might each still reach my
threshold of minimum dollars and minimum people buying. If the dollars
are large enough, and the average purchase could be guessed to be a
certain number -- Most people spend an average of $500 for an AKC
puppy for example -- the actual number of people buying becomes fairly
simple to estimate.
The industry (and specialized sections of the industry or service) and
product are the important information. Actual dollars and actual
people really are much less important
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Dec 2005 10:53 PST
Thanks for clarifying.
If I identified ten products/services that met your criteria, would
that serve as an answer to your question?
If not, can you give me an idea of what would better suit your needs?
Clarification of Question by
22 Dec 2005 11:29 PST
I can think of 10 myself before I even finish writing this reply. I'm
looking for a list of potentially overlooked industries and services
in niche markets.