Hello Jhabley,
Fifty million Americans, or 30 percent of all American Internet users,
visited a blog in the first quarter of 2005, according to a new report
from Comscore, and sponsored in part by SixApart and Gawker Media.
?The average blog reader viewed 77 percent more pages than the average
Internet user who doesn't read blogs (16,000 versus 9,000 for the
quarter), the report found. Blog readers average 23 hours online per
week, compared with the overall Web user's average of 13 hours.?
?Blog readers are 11 percent more likely than the average Internet
user to have incomes of or greater than $75,000. Similarly, blog
readers are 11 percent more likely to visit the Web over broadband
either at home or the office.?
Clickz: August 2005
30 Percent of Americans Read Blogs
?Three In Ten Online Americans Claim That They Have Read A Blog
Thirty percent of the online population said they had read a blog at
least once. Among those who read blogs, 38% do so at least once per
week. More than two in five of those aged 18 to 34 (41%) and those
with a college-education (41%) have visited blogs at least once.
Geographically speaking, blogs are most popular in the western United
States where 37% of residents reported visiting a blog.?
Urban Semiotic
Ten percent of consumers read blogs once a week or more, said
Forrester Research at the opening of its annual Consumer Forum. That's
double the 5 percent who browsed blogs in 2004.
According to Forrester Research six percent of online consumers read blogs.
?Today, only six percent of online consumers read blogs and two
percent use RSS, while 70 percent of online consumers use the Internet
to research products for purchase. Marketers should focus on
identifying the early adopting tech optimists who read blogs to tap
effective viral marketing opportunities.?
Planet Analog: august 2005
According to a Pew Research Center Survey, only 27 percent of Internet
users actually read blogs.
19 percent of online teens keep a blog, and 38 percent of online teens read blogs
Pew Trusts
?The international adoption curve for blogs is as uneven as anything
else. while in America over 60 percent of the Internet citizenry has
not heard of blogs, 20 percent of Japanese users read blogs at least
once a month.?
Search criteria:
percent of * read blogs
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |