Thanks...I'm glad that worked for you.
Make sure to save the file to your local system, as the link I gave is
not permanent.
As for how I did it, that's hard to explain. I've collected a number
of text handling/management software programs over the years with
various odds n' end capabilities.
I was able to copy the text into a text editor, and use some 'clean
up' functions to remove blank lines. Then I followed with a number of
search-and-replace operations to put commas in at strategic places in
the text, so I could treat it as comma-delimited file. Then, I
imported it into Excel, and did some further work with a series of
text-based add-ins from a program called ASAP.
If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't use the comma-delimited step,
and there were too many other commas in the text, and that's what led
to some problems.
Live and learn, eth?
Have a good holiday,
paf |
Clarification of Answer by
09 Jan 2006 16:18 PST
Thanks for asking.
The only permissible contact between researchers and clients is right
here in this public forum.
You can post a question (in the usual manner) and direct it to my
attention, if you wish. Just put "For pafalafa-ga" in the question's
title, and then again, in the text.
I'll be sure to see it, and will let you know if I think I can handle it for you.
Happy new year,