Thanks for getting back to me, and I'm glad to hear that the sources I
found will meet your needs. Here they are:
Internet Usage and Marketing Report
Internet Usage Statistics:
10,220,000 Internet users as of Sept/2005, 13.9% of the population,
according to Computer Industry Almanac.
Latest Population Estimate:
74,709,412 population for 2006, according to
OECD Indicators -- Availability of DSL lines
10% of the population in Turkey lived in areas that provived DSL coverage
OECD Indicators -- Broadband Subscribers
1.1 out of every 100 people in Turkey had DSL access
[I read the above two statistics as saying that 10% of the population
had potential access to DSL, as they lived in areas that provided the
service, while only 1.1% of the population had actual access to DSL ]
Broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants, by technology, June 2005
Turkey -- 1.2 per 100 people have broadband
Total Subscribers -- 862,843
Perhpas the motherlode of statistics comes directly from the Turkish
national statistics agency:
[NOTE: The reports here will download as large spreadsheet files, and
are presented in English]
November 2005
"According to the results of ICT Usage Survey on Households and
Individuals carried out in June, 2005, 8.66 % of households have
access to the Internet at home. It was 7.02 % in the same period of
the previous year.
In the period of April-June 2005, of all the individuals in 16-74 age
group, proportion of computer use is 17.65 % and Internet use is 13.93
%. Those proportions are 23.16 % and 18.57 % for urban areas, 8.28 %
and 6.05 % for rural areas respectively. Proportions of computer and
Internet use were 16.80 % and 13.25% in the same period of the
previous year.
Modem (dial up access over normal telephone line) and DSL (ADSL, SDSL
etc.) are the most widely used Internet connection types with 52.27 %
and 19.27 % respectively
According to the survey results 67.65 % of households with Internet
access at home provide Internet connection via PC."
Proportion of households having devices for Internet access
PC -- 5.86%
Laptop -- 0.74%
Mobile phone -- 3.21%
Any of the above -- 8.66%
[ Note: From my reading of the statistics, the 8.66% is the percent
of households with internet access. Overall internet access is
higher, since many people access the internet from work, or from
internet cafes ]
Table 3: Proportion of households by types of Internet connection (%)
Modem (dial up access over normal telephone line) or ISDN -- 52.27%
DSL (ADSL, SDSL etc.) -- 19.27%
Other broadband connection (e.g. cable, UMTS, etc)-- 1.09%
Mobile phone over narrowband (WAP, GPRS, etc.)-- 37.04%
By the way, there's a report for sale ($50) that covers much of the
available information for Turkey, in case it's of interest:
Turkey - Key Statistics, Telecommunications Market Overview and Internet
Table 9 - Internet users - 1996 - 2004
Table 10 - Internet host computers - 1994 - 2004
I trust this information fully answers your question.
However, please don't rate this answer until you have everything you
need. If there's anything more I can do for you, just post a Request
for Clarification, and I'm happy to assist you further.
search strategy -- Made use of bookmarked sites, along with a Google
search on [ internet demographics turkey ] |