Hello Ron4478,
According to Cornell University Career Services 18% of the workforce
is employed by the Government.
?The government sector consists of federal, state, and local employers
and comprises 18% of the workforce.
Uncle Sam is the nation's largest single employer.
Approximately 2.5 million people work for the federal government while
many more, over 15 million, work for state and local governments.
City governments (municipalities) employ more than 2.5 million people.?
Cornell University
??20 million Americans work for the government. Or at least appear on
government payrolls. It gets a little complicated when you're trying
to define "work" in the context of a government employee.?
Ann Coulter Column
Total government employment: How many Americans work for the
government at all levels.
?Today more than 15 million Americans work for state and local
government. More than 900,000 Americans work for the
quasi-governmental U.S. Post Office. When the government controls the
pay, pension and careers of great numbers of Americans it builds a
political base for its own expansion. Reducing the number of Americans
dependent on the State for employment is a key measure of our success
in limiting the cost and power of the government. This measure also
allows conservatives to assess the success or failure of a mayor,
governor or president over one year or four years. It is a hard
number?have government payrolls increased or decreased??
Americans for Tax Reform
?Approximately 2.7 million people are employed by the federal government.?
DC Job Source
?The percent of Americans employed in government jobs ? federal, state
and local ? doubled, from 9% to 18% of the workforce, during the
period 1980 ? 1992 with a resurgence in budgets for both military and
safety personnel. New cities were incorporating and creating their
professional staffs. Entrepreneurs operating all kinds of small
businesses were becoming economic driving forces for the U.S. economy.
Baby boomers and their early children born in an ?echo boom,? filled
up American organizations and many of them moved up into positions of
leadership in growing organizations.?
Mentoring: A Creative Response to the Urgent Need for Leadership Succession
?Excluding education and hospitals, State and local governments employ
about 7.9 million workers, placing them among the largest employers in
the economy. Seven out of 10 of these employees work for local
governments, such as counties, cities, special districts, and towns.
In addition to these 7.9 million workers, large numbers of State and
local workers work in public education.?
Bureau of Labor Statistics
?? the bureaucracy is so large today that more than twenty percent of
all people work for the government in one way or the other.?
Point of View
Search criteria:
"million * work for ** government
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |