Handedness is not a big deal in football, but it is in baseball, where
being a leftie is an advantage most of the time. Since Buckley played
baseball in college, according to his NFL.com biography
(http://www.nfl.com/players/3195_bios.htm), I called the sports
information office at his alma mater, Florida State. The spokesman for
the FSU football and baseball teams, Jeff Purinton, looked Buckley up
in an old baseball media guide and found that he both batted and threw
right-handed. While some naturally right-handed people learn to use
their left hand for baseball, someone who bats and throws right-handed
in baseball is definately a righty off the field.
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Search strategy:
Terell Buckley baseball
Florida State SID
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=Florida+State+SID |