Dear brownp2-ga:
There are indeed many examples of church-related software packages
that allow you to manage volunteers.
I was able to find three specific packages for under $500. I've listed
them in ascending order of cost.
Cost: FREE if you are a non-profit or religious organization
System Requirements: basically any Windows system is OK. No Macintosh.
From the Website: "The scheduling of volunteers is done using a
set of rules that can be customized to fit the requirements of
your Church and of individual volunteers."
Members to Action
Cost: $400 (single user), with small church pricing options.
System Requirements: basically any Windows system is OK, as well as
From the Website: "Members To Action is lay mobilization software
designed to help in your volunteer recruiting by matching church
volunteer's interests and spiritual gifts with ministry opportunities.
Essentially you do this by profiling the person, profiling the
ministry, then cross-matching the two."
Volunteer Manager
Cost: $500
System Requirements: Windows systems.
From the Website: "With this exciting new program in the ACS line
of church-management tools, unlock an individuals gifts, skills,
and passions. Use information you discover to match them with a
predefined ministry campaign - assuring volunteers are placed in
appropriate areas, offering an atmosphere for happier people
and achievement for ministry goals."
While it might be tempting to go with the free product, please keep
in mind you often get what you pay for when it comes to software. :-)
As well, there are many, many other church-based applications out
Some of them might be of interest to you for other reasons, or might
have "hidden" volunteer capabilities. Some of the church software
listings I found include:
Google Directories
Open Directory Project
Search Strategy on Google:
church software volunteers
I hope this helps you out! Please request clarification from me if you
have any questions about what I've written.
websearcher-ga |