Since multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the nervous system--which
collectively controls the entire range of body functions and
performance--the range of symptoms exhibited by those with MS is wide.
From http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/mssymptoms.html :
"The central nervous system (CNS) controls much of the body's
functioning and much of this activity passes through the white matter
at some point. It is not surprising, therefore, that a disease which
damages white matter can produce a very wide range of symptoms.
Indeed, there are few diseases with more potential symptoms than
multiple sclerosis."
For an explanation of "white matter" vs "gray maytter":
From the same website, at
http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/whitematter.html :
"By analolgy, the grey matter is like the CPU in a computer and the
white matter is like the printed circuit board that connects it to the
other parts of the computer."
Therefore, depending on exactly which parts of this "circuit board"
(i.e. your nervoys system) are attacked first, and exactly in what
manner, symptoms of the afflication may vary widely.
For more information besides that presented on the above referenced
site, consult the on-line MS Library of Research, Symptoms and
treatment, at:
Google search strategy: keywords "multiple sclerosis symptoms"
Please don't hesitate to ask for clarifications if anything presented
here is less than clear.
Good luck in continuing your inquiries! |