Where can I find (preferably downloadable)archival golf scores from
professional golf tournaments? I'm interested in the player name,
date, location, and score going back to the biginning of time. Also
nice would be the par rating for the course. |
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Sep 2002 10:15 PDT
What years and tours are you looking for?
Clarification of Question by
05 Sep 2002 11:13 PDT
All years, all tours. I would be happy with only the PGA and LPGA for
now, but I really want the coverage to go back as far as records are
kept. Thanks, Goldgoose.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Sep 2002 22:59 PDT
Hi thanks for visiting us. Would scores of men professional golf only
constitute as a sufficient answer?
Clarification of Question by
07 Sep 2002 06:28 PDT
Yes, men only would work.
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Sep 2002 11:01 PDT
I am not very knowledgeable in Golf but I feel I have what you are
looking for. I will give you a sample of the data I found and you
could tell me if this is what you want and then I will give you the
links to the whole answer.
This is a sample data for the US Open (Golf)
Year Posn Player Country Year Venue
1895 1 RAWLINS, Harold Scot UK 173 91 82 1895 Newport GC
1895 2 DUNN, Willie Scot UK 1895 Newport GC
1896 1 FOULIS, James US 152 1896 Shinnecock Hills
As you can see the data is not complete with some scores probably
wasn't recorded. All data are only up to 2001. Please tell me if this
will do.
Just let me know. Thanks again.
Clarification of Question by
07 Sep 2002 18:26 PDT
Yes, this will do. Thanks, Goldgoose