Ah, the old eMate - I have the little brother, the Newton 2100 at
home. I remember chasing connectivity solutions around day in and day
out. You basically have three choices, ranging in price from free to
1) Use a serial to USB adapter, like the Keyspan mentioned in the post
"I have the keyspan adapter set to "emulate printer port" for the port
being used by the cable for the eMate. That's the key here -- set
everything to printer port. Now, instead of setting Apple Talk to
printer port, set it to something else (modem, ethernet, etc.), or
turn it off. Since you're using a serial connection (printer port),
then you need to have everything talk serial, not appletalk. When you
start up the Dock application on the eMate, set it to connect via
Serial. Set the Newton Connection Utilities desktop app to connect via
printer port. Now when you open that and hit "connect" on the emate,
the two should begin talking. "
From at:
Keyspan, Belkin and other USB - Serial adapters can be found here from
$50 and up:
Or, you can connect via IRDA, assuming your iMac has an IRDA port on
the front. Only the original Bondi Blue iMac had an IRDA port.
This Google Cached page discusses setting this up using Sloup:
3) Get an Ethernet card for the eMate; the Farallon cards used to work
well, and may be available for a few dollars off of eBay. The
'EtherMac' is the one you are looking for, like in this (closed)
This Planet Newton page details using Ethernet on your Newton:
The current Ethernet for the Newton information is at the Newton
Resources page:
Also, read thru comp.sys.newton.misc - Folks there have even got
wireless networking running with their Newtons and eMates!
Good luck - if you need further information, please ask for a
clarification before rating this answer!
Thanks for using Google Answers.
Search Terms:
emate imac connect
and on Google Groups:
newton network card
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Clarification of Answer by
06 Sep 2002 07:40 PDT
Congrats on your new iMac! Can't wait till I get mine. Anyway, to
connect your eMate to the Mac, you can use the NewTEN package
installer to install new software. Available at:
The background behind it can be read from the Newton and Linux
Mini-HOWTO at:
Also, if you are a Unix developer, or play one on TV, you may be able
to port the Newton XChange sofware to OS X:
It does require Motif libraries and runs under X Windows, so you'd
need to also install OroborOSX or another X Windows server on your
iMac. If that sounds like greek, skip it. :-)
However, there are no OS X native packages to do everything the Newton
Connection Utilites could do. In order to get that level of features,
you will need to install OS 9.x (Classic) on your new iMac to run NCU.
I hope this answers your question, and good luck!
Search Strategy:
newton os x on Google Groups
sloup newton