Hi jfj,
It seems that the kind of chart you seek is not widely available
nowadays. Most web pages that discuss the tradeoffs between
discounting and profits assume the people will use a calculator, a
spreadsheet or an interactive application to work out the sales lift
needed to restore profits foregone by discounting.
Calculators can yield the correct answer, but they do not make the
point as dramatically as a chart does.
As I could not find the exact chart that you seek on the web, I
calculated the figures and put them into a chart using the Open Office
Draw application. You can download the chart from here:
The chart will remain available at that address for thirty days only,
so you may wish to save a copy from your browser.
Please let me know if the chart is not in the format that you were
Additional links:
This relationship between discounting, foregone profit and required
sales increase is explained and discussed (in the context of comic
book sales) at the Comix Experience website:
Tilting at Windmills #17 (By Brian Hibbs)
Google search strategy:
chart OR graph profit discount sales
"impact of discounting" profits
eiffel-ga |