Public Library Design
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: scooter-ga List Price: $4.00 |
26 Apr 2002 13:29 PDT
Expires: 03 May 2002 13:29 PDT Question ID: 6230 |
When designing a public library, what formula should one use to determine the number of public access computers that are needed? |
Re: Public Library Design
Answered By: penguin-ga on 26 Apr 2002 17:50 PDT Rated: |
Hi Scooter! Here are some useful tools in determining the number of public access computers for a public library based on the success of the Mid-Hudson Library System in Poughkeepsie, New York. These factors include the daily traffic through the building (now and in the future)--some formulas suggest one for every 20 visits while other recommendations suggest one terminal for every 10 visits (or even fewer); the intended use of the stations if more are extended use computers then the library will need more computers; the library staffs observation of patrons waiting for access to computers presently on-site; and, the experience of neighboring libraries regarding the number of computers provided for the public. For space planning consider both how many stations you need now and how many you will need for the future. Use a figure of 50 square feet per public access computer. Library Administration Information from the Mid-Hudson Library System Construction Mid Hudson Library System http://midhudson.org/faq/library_admin/construction_faq.htm Additional Websites that may interest you: "The Impact of Electronic Journals on Scholarly Communication: A Citation Analysis." by Harter, Stephen P. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 7, no. 5 (1996). http://info.lib.uh.edu/pr/v7/n5/hart7n5.html The Public Access Computer System Review http://info.lib.uh.edu/pr/pacsrev.html You may want to subscribe to Computers In Libraries magazine Information Today, Inc. http://www.infotoday.com/cilmag/ciltop.htm Search Terms Used: "Public Library construction" "how many public access computer OR computers" I hope this helps! Penguin |
rated this answer:
I work in a library, and I had found similar information. I wanted more in-depth info, which is why I turned to Google. |
Re: Public Library Design
From: seth_g-ga on 26 Apr 2002 13:34 PDT |
Could you be a little more specific with size and such. Factors could be the internet connection you have for speed and ip numbers available to you, the size of the city, how many people go through each day as well as how popular the internet already is in the city. |
Re: Public Library Design
From: nicole-ga on 26 Apr 2002 13:39 PDT |
Hello, you may find this web site useful: Library Automation Pages Maintained by Andrew Osborne: http://libinfo.com/libauto.html |
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